The Legend Of Zelda (1987): Hyrule High [Video]

In this charming critically-acclaimed tale of first love, Link (Jon Tomlinson), an eternal optimist and adventurer, seeks to capture the heart of Zelda, an unattainable high school beauty and straight-A student (Zane Bauer). He surprises just about everyone-including himself-when she returns the sentiment. But the high school’s over-possessive, megalomaniacal Principal Ganondorf (Dominic Moschitti) doesn’t approve […]

Camera Tricks and Neat Zelda Music[Videos]

While Youtuber Sp0ntanius may have a hairstyle more hip than me, he does have a knack for recreating  Zelda songs with style and neat camera tricks that are really entertaining. From playing the Palace theme in stop motion with guitar and tearing paper, to playing crystal glasses for the Song of Healing, you have to […]