10 Cheesy ‘Resident Evil’ Lines Rewritten for the Remake

The one thing most avid gamers can agree on is that the voice work and dialogue in the original PlayStation version of Resident Evil was atrocious. So much so, in fact, it caused moments of the game to mistakenly tread into “so bad it’s funny” territory. Well good news for fans who’ve been clamoring to […]

We Finally Have Subtitles for R2D2’s Beeps and Whistles Thanks to Eclectic Method

Eclectic Method are an audio-visual team who just went and did something awesome (or hugely sacrilegious depending on how you view certain classics). They added subtitles to the various beeps and whistles of R2-D2 from the Star Wars films. While it may sound like a one-off joke, they give him a bubbling personality and it […]