Hongbing’s E-mail Hypothesis
This will blow you away! We think the Internetz has a new viral star!
This will blow you away! We think the Internetz has a new viral star!
In the past, we’ve shown you some geeky artwork that uses a variety of unusual mediums. But you’ve never seen anything quite like what artist Bashir Sultani can do with little more than a flat surface, a couple of tools, and a salt shaker. Darth Vader? Check. Optimus Prime? Yup! And check out this very […]
“Quis custodiet ipsos parvulus equus” How do you make an epic graphic novel turned cinematic masterpiece into something more awesome? Add my little ponies of course!
If you love shows like The Colbert Report and love kids (who doesn’t love kids?!) you’re gonna love Fresh Perspectives! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOEjY4_4BuI
Geek hero Carl Sagan’s moving Pale Blue Dot monologue over Halo Reach footage. If this isn’t the convergence of all things awesome, I shudder to think what might be.
I know as much about anime as I do quantum physics. But one thing I do know is that all those cosplayers at cons spend a lot of time, effort, and money to get their costumes just right. Unfortunately, all that hard work is usually captured by low-resolution digital cameras, poor lighting, and boring, static […]
I honestly hate to disagree with my fellow geeks, but the previous post contains some erroneous information. It is the result of bad science. Herewith is the actual method used for turning those trees into a beautiful fall display.
Yep, you guessed it folks, this is a rap, it’s about Pac Man… and it sounds awesome! Check it out: [Via Yesbutnobutyes]