5 Times (Crazy) People Called 9-1-1 Over Video Games
Listen, geeks. When you do stuff like this, this is why we can’t have nice things. (Via Gameranx)
Listen, geeks. When you do stuff like this, this is why we can’t have nice things. (Via Gameranx)
It is a well known move for some game creators like to put cameos of themselves in their games to see if people will notice. Sort of an Easter egg for true fans to find and gloat over. But as this list shows, some creator cameos are odder than others. [Via OutsideXbox}
Although the entire team of the Avengers is fantastic, wouldn’t it be nice to see some of those key members get their own games? Like, imagine kicking butt and infiltrating spy rings as Black Widow? Or getting a chance to go all stealth with Hawkeye? They might not be the first choices, but it doesn’t […]
Game mods have becoming a very interesting phenomenon. The idea that someone can take a game and alter it so that it has different aspects is appealing to many gamers, as they can modify a game to their every (pop culture) whim. And while game mods are cool enough on their own, are you aware […]
All I am saying, and mark my words: Just Cause 3 will forever change the landscape of ‘Watch Me Play’ videos. This game isn’t even out yet and this proves just how fantastic this virtual playground is going to be.ย Statue facepalm for the win. Well, it’s more like a “self face slap” but the humor […]
Sometimes, when it comes to video games, playing evil and doing cruel things can be fun. Most of us (I assume) are good people in real life, and sometimes being a dickwad in a video game is the best way to get those feelings out without it taking a toll on an actual person. Here […]
As I am sure many of you have heard, Metal Gear creator and mastermind Hideo Kojima is no longer with Konami. Some say he quit, some speculate a firing, but what we do know is this creative genius will no longer be contributing to Konami games. Between that and Iwata, there’s been some pretty sad […]
There are some games that have hard modes that are, honestly, just cruel and unusual punishment towards talented players. These modes are often dubbed something like “Extreme” or “Live BY DEATH” mode or something, and they often equate to enemies getting triple hit points or some crap, while you suddenly fall dead after one hit. […]
What can we even say about the loss of Satoru Iwata? This is a massive loss for the industry and nerd culture as a whole. Thing is, we should not focus on the loss of the man. Instead, we should honor him through his work and remarkable accomplishments, like he would want. And honestly, a […]
Don’t you hate it when you go into a stealth mission, all pumped up about being quiet and not being seen, then you get seen immediately and the mission turns from stealth to bloodbath? Yeah, we do, too. And so do fine folks over at OutsideXbox, as well.