Creatures in the Depths Off Australia Offer Insight Into the Way We See

Having just returned from the beach myself, this story particularly caught my attention this morning. Not to mention that, for about two years during my elementary school education, I was convinced I would become an oceanographer or a marine biologist. I was obsessed with dolphins, and did a rather snazzy presentation on echolocation in the […]

Stephen Hawking on Aliens, Real Possibility of Space and Time Travel

Stephen Hawking has partnered with the Discovery Channel to present a new documentary series called “Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking” covering some pretty wonderfully geeky subjects including alien visitors and time travel. But don’t get all excited. Mr. Hawking, as ever, is measured in his approach—though his comments on time travel will likely cause […]

Ten Ways to be a Healthier, Maybe Even Sexier Geek

Summer approaches, and if you’re like me, the life of a geek tends to make thoughts of stepping out in front of other people in your bathing suit a little terrifying. Wii Fit aside, many games (*cough*DragonAge*cough*) play to our obsessive sides, and make it so easy to spend hours with our rear ends parked […]

Crumbling Biosphere 2 Looks Like the Something the Dharma Initiative Left Behind

I remember all the news about Biosphere, back in the early 90s when I was in elementary school. There was something so hopeful about it, so pioneering and unusual. We followed the stories of the people inside, and talked about self-sustaining ecosystems on the moon or planets not yet discovered. For a budding sci-fi geek, […]

Science Uncovers What Cleopatra and Neanderthals Had in Common

Courtesy of BBC news this morning, two particularly interesting stories that mix science, history, and… cosmetics. First up, let’s talk about eyeliner. Yes, eyeliner. There may be no look as timeless and as oft-copied as the Cleopatra eye, made famous in Egyptian art, culture, and mythology. And while it’s certainly aesthetically pleasing (I’m a personal […]

We Welcome our Remote-Controlled Cyborg Insect Overlords

Remote controlled bugs buzz off, followed by a picture that looked straight out of a cyberpunk novel, a beetle with a remarkable bit of tech strapped to its head. Well, it turns out that the future (for those of us who’ve ever imagined a future in which people can control cyborg beetles by using a […]

The Moon in the News: Surgery, Water, and Colonization

A map of the moon from 1647 By Natania Barron Contributing Writer, [GAS] We have ever been fascinated by the moon, hanging there, silvery in the sky, so mysterious and changing. I’ve often wondered what people really thought when they saw the moon up there, before telescopes and science, and how truly amazing it must […]