Robot’s Encounter With Sperm Whale Will Leave You Speechless

What can you even say about this underwater encounter between a robot submarine and a massive sperm whale 1,962 feet below the surface waters off the coast of Louisiana? It is majestic, like watching a dinosaur from the past interact with a robot from the future. Surreal, and undeniably soothing. [Via Gizmodo]

Second Trailer For Chappie Hints at Movie’s Inevitable Greatness

Chappie looks like it is setting up to be one of the best movies of 2015. With Neill Blomkamp directing, doing his sci-fi thing, and with the band Die Antwoord on board and Sigourney Weaver playing what looks to be the antagonist of this whole ordeal, there is nothing about it that DOESN’T look awesome. […]

Meet “Anton,” the Robotic Tongue

Just when you thought you’d seen it all, British scientists have come up with “Anton,” the animatronic tongue. This squirming creation was designed to help better understand how the human tongue works and thus improve speech recognition software. See for yourself: I feel it’s necessary to quote the following line from New Scientist Magazine: “The […]