Top 10 Dream Castings For Video Game Characters

Games may not always be made into the best movies, but that wont stop us gamers from fantasizing about dream castings for perfect video game movies. WatchMojo came up with a list of ten celebs they think would be perfect for certain gamer characters. Agree or disagree? Did they miss one you wish existed? Take to […]

Top 10 Fictional Video Games In Movies

I vividly recall watching the movie Her and wanting desperately to play the video game that Joaquín Phoenix was working on. It looked so immersive and cool, and unlike most fake video games represented in movies, didn’t look to involve the mass killing of anything. This list understands that urge I had to play games […]

Acrobatica Infiniti – The Nerd Circus – Goes Beyond Cosplay!

By Patrick-Michel Dagenais, Contributing Writer. Growing up as a geek, one of the aspects of geek culture that is pretty commonly accepted is that nerds love when beautiful people dress up as characters they adore from fiction. And while cosplay may be a pretty widely accepted and mainstream  movement right now, there are still some […]