‘The Shining’ Atari Style Video Game

When it comes to movie licenses, the last movie you thought would ever get a game would be The Shining,ย yet here we are, linking to a the Shiningย game. Although I am using the word game quite loosely here. It is more an interpretation of ‘The Shining’ as told through two-bit graphics. Still. if you are […]

A Scientific Guide to the Fantastical Predators in ‘Game of Thrones’

We marvel at the dragons in Game of Thrones, but do you ever wonder about the science or biology that would be behind these magnificent beasts? Maddie Stone over at Gizmodo put together a very interesting piece focusing on the actual science of other animals compared to the mighty dragons in Game of Thrones, and […]

What If Wes Anderson Directed An ‘X-Men’ Film?

Very few directors in modern Hollywood can do “quirky” and “indie” quite like Wes Anderson. So what would happen if the colorful man was given free reigns over the next ‘X-Men’ film? All I can say is I would see the heck out of this. [Image via Hollywood Reporter, H/T to SuperPunch]

Best News EVER: ‘Adventure Time’ Is Getting Movie From ‘Lego Movie’ Creators

In what may amount to the greatest news ever of all time, seems it has been confirmed that Adventure Time is being made into a full length feature film by the same guys who did the awesometastic Lego Movie. To try to wrap your brain around how fantastic this is will be all but impossible. […]

10 Essential Animated Movies That Are Absolutely Not for Kids

The wonderful thing about the medium of animation is, even though it caters to kids visually, animated movies can be aimed at adults and children. Not all animated films feature cute, fuzzy animals getting into hilarious hi-jinx. Some feature them being ripped apart and raging war against one another, like Watership Down. Something I touched […]