5 Times Games Got Space Really, Really Right

You may see outer space an awful lot in science fiction games, but how often do you see it represented accurately? Outside Xbox threw together this cool list to show us the few examples of video games actually representing outer space realistically, based on science and what we already know. [Image via Woondu, story via […]

10 Awesome Tabletop, Card, and Board Games for Geeks

When people think geeks and gaming, they often associate the name with video games. But what a great many onlookers don’t realize is that many board games also have factored into our utter geek fandom. In other words, when not controlling pixels or polygons, these games are the next place you were likely to find […]

7 Times Tekken Weirdo Heihachi Was Just the Weirdest

Tekken was a colorful and wacky fight game. Between fighting bouts with Bruce Lee’s look-a-likes you would sometimes have to fight a tree or a panda bear. For real. But of all the characters who SHOULD’VE been weird, Heihachi was definitely one of the weirdest. Seriously, though, any guy who ties family members he is […]

10 Villains Who Were Supposed To Come Back….But Never Did

Here is the general rule about ‘pain in the butt’ bad guys (from movies, TV, and gaming). True villains never die. They never really go away. They may vanish for a bit or lull an audience into a false sense of security, but that’s their job. The reality is, when you LEAST want to see […]