A New All-Time Low: Logging Into Facebook To Save Your Non-Facebook Game

So let me get this straight. I have to log into Facebook to save my Adventure Time IOS game, even though my Adventure Time IOS game has literally nothing to do with Facebook? Yes, this seems totally legit. Makes sense. *uninstalls whack game Not cool, not classy, gaming is getting kind of gross, especially mobile […]

Click “Like” If You Can See This Post: Facebook’s New Sponsored Stories Feature

Have you seen your favorite geek t-shirt artist posting designs lately, or wondering when that witty web-show host will release her next video – and did your favorite Korean taco joint close down? There hasn’t been a daily special in days! It’s nothing new, but it is probably something the average user hasn’t been aware […]

Applying For a Job? Be Prepared to Give Up Your Privacy

Facebook and your privacy is trending once again among news sites and the blogosphere. This time, Facebook is doing something right. They recently amended their Statement of Rights and Responsibility to reflect a current change among employers asking for potential hires and employees access to their personal Facebook accounts. According to Facebook’s chief privacy officer, […]

Facebook Surpasses Google This Week… Sort Of

You may have noticed that Facebook isn’t exactly my favorite social media network. There are 100 reasons not to like Facebook, but now I have another one. According to the Financial Times, Facebook traffic has just surpassed Google. Over the last year the company has seen phenomenal growth, especially among the baby boomer crowd. But […]

Coming Soon – Facebook: The Movie

By Shéa Bennett Contributing Writer, [GAS] Yeah, I can’t wait either. Penned by Aaron Sorkin, who created The West Wing and wrote the Tom Hank’s vehicle Charlie Wilson’s War, the as of yet untitled Facebook movie will focus on Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes, the founders of the popular social networking site. Sorkin’s […]

Russian Billionaire Plans “Snob” Version Of FaceBook

By Mark O’Neill Obviously getting poked online is not good enough for a Russian billionaire.   So Mikhail Prokhorov is going to do what any self respecting billionaire would normally do and set up a Facebook-style networking website for the upper-class, and he is calling it, ironically enough, Snob. Which just goes to show he has […]