Amazon is Holding a BIG Sale on EA Published PC Games

Hey PC gamers! Amazon is currently holding a big sale on EA published PC games, including titles such as Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order ($19.99,) Star Wars Squadrons ($19.99,) plenty of Battlefield games, Titanfall 2, and more! Be sure to check them all out over at the sale page right here.

[EA PC Game Sale]

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Vokabulantis: A Stop-Motion Video Game Created Using Real-World Objects

Sure, there’s been a few innovative ideas in the world of video games in the past few years, but nothing standing out as much as Vokabulantis, an upcoming stop motion single player or co-op platformer by developers Wiredfly and Kong Orange. Check it out in the presentation video below!

Vokabulantis is a love-driven co-op platformer adventure. The game is inspired by games like Inside, Unravel and Little Nightmares, yet it’s made by hand. Join Kurt and Karla in their struggle to restore peace to Vokabulantis – and to express their feelings for each other after their words have been taken away.

“Think Alice in Wonderland went on a trip with The Hobbit with handcrafted and stop-motion animated by Miyayzaki in a game that plays like Inside or Little Nightmares II. – easy right?,” said game developer and studio owner, Esben Kjรฆr Ravn.

“When you digitize reality like we do here, you also bring the digital to life in a way. It feels magical. In our game a rose really is a rose. You can actually come to our studio and hold it in your hand, but you can also control it’s movements in the game,” commented owner of Wired Fly animation, Johan Oettinger.

You can support the Vokabulantis kickstarter right here. There’s still 9 days remaining to the crowdfunding campaign, which has already raised $70,884 on a total objective of $82,621. It would be a real shame not to see this one coming to completion!

[Vokabulantis | Via Worthplaying]

The Soviet Fellowship of the Rings

In the final days of the Soviet Union, a full-length version of The Fellowship of the Ring was aired on Soviet TV. It was thought lost forever, but now it’s available at YouTube. The Guardian tells us more:

The 1991 made-for-TV film, Khraniteli, based on Tolkienโ€™s The Fellowship of the Ring, is the only adaptation of his Lord of the Rings trilogy believed to have been made in the Soviet Union.

Aired 10 years before the release of the first instalment of Peter Jacksonโ€™s movie trilogy, the low-budget film appears ripped from another age: the costumes and sets are rudimentary, the special effects are ludicrous, and many of the scenes look more like a theatre production than a feature-length film.

Here’s part two.

There are no subtitles, but you can auto-generate English subtitles which are incomplete and may or may not be anywhere near accurate. Start by clicking the CC button under the media player. Then, select the “gear” icon and select Subtitles -> Auto-translate -> English. There are too many ads, but most are skippable.

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