[Source: @danbydraws]
Skeletons At The Door [Comic]
There’s Always More [Comic]
[Source: @ManchildManor]
Heartwarming: The Xenomorph Life Cycle Set to the Theme Song from “UP”
Heartwarming! The life cycle of Xenomorphs set to “Married Life,” the theme song from “Up.”
[Bag ingi]
Doom Gran [Comic]
[Source: @psychosuzanne]
What Would YOUR Ideal Funeral Be? [Comic]
[Source: @nicholas_and_his_doubts]
Oreo CEO: Stop Making New Oreos [Comedy Sketch]
It’s a fact: traditional Oreos are the best. Why does the company keeps on making all these crazy Oreo flavors then? A comedy sketch by the folks over at College Humor. Disclaimer: I personally like a lot of these new varieties and try them all the time.
[The Official “OREO” Store on Amazon.com | CH]
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How it Began [Comic]
[Source: @the__reddot]
Google Earth: 36 Years of Human Influence (Ocean, Forest, Cities – From 1984 to 2020)
The team over at Google Earth have just released 3 time-lapse videos (Ocean, Forest, Cities) showing the influence humanity had on our planet and its climate since 1984. Watch:
Cities – 1984 – 2020
Oceans – 1984 – 2020
Forests – 1984 – 2020