[Source: Poorly Drawn Lines | Like Poorly Drawn Lines on Facebook | Follow Poorly Drawn Lines on Twitter]
Jar of Wasps [Comic]
[Source: @thejenkinscomic]
Where Do Babies Come From? [Comic]
[Source: @mrlovenstein]
HOW TO MAKE: A Levitating Hot Dog Cooker
If you feel building your very own levitating hot dog cooker is something you absolutely have to accomplish in life, Youtuber NightHawkInLight will set you on the path to success. Someone should give this guy some kind of award for this society changing innovation.
Science Gang Tattoos
Cartoonist Tom Gauld has a delightfully inventive mind, and his ideas about what various science gang tattoos would look like had me wanting one really bad. For those interested, the original is available for sale over at his website.
In the Spirit of Finals… [Comic]
[Source: @townytowncomics]
Boredoom is a Dangerous Thing to a Human in Space – A Short Sci-Fi Story
A wonderful story by injuries-in-dust about how dangerous humans can be in space when they get bored.
[injuries-in-dust | Via MC]
Power of Positivity [Comic]
[Source: @buttpoems]
Reebok Instapump Fury Jurassic Park Sneakers: Make Cause Violent Seizures
Remember those really cool Jurassic Park toy cars we had in the 90s? Well, 30 years later, you can get them as shoes! Because that’s what every 40-year-old original Jurassic Park fan want: A pair of really, REALLY ugly bulky shoes. All they’re missing are flashing back lights. I know what I’m going to ask my kids for Father’s day now.
Want a pair? They’ll be available for $180 via the Reebok site and Finish Line on June 1st, 2021.
[Via BIS]
PAY WHAT YOU WANT: The 2021 Superstar Web Development & Design 150-Hour Course Bundle
With The 2021 Superstar Web Development & Design Course Bundle, get over 150 hours of content of web development, graphic design, HTML, JavaScript, and more! You will also also explore the server-side of web design and development!
How it works:
Pay what you want! If that’s less than the average price—you’ll still take home something great. Beat the average price ($9.44 as I’m writing this) and you’ll take home the entire bundle. Beat the Leader’s price and get featured on the leaderboard and get entered into our epic giveaway!
-The Complete Web Development Course
-Adobe XD Masterclass: UI/UX Design from Scratch
-How to Become a UX Designer
-Learn Full-Stack Web Development by Building a Blog
-CSS Web Development Crash Course
-Quick Frontend Website Creation: HTML, CSS, JavaScript & jQuery
-Crash Course On Graphic Design
-HTML Web Development Crash Course
[PAY WHAT YOU WANT: The 2021 Superstar Web Development & Design Course Bundle]
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