The Mindblowing Body Paint Art of Anne-Marie Villeneuve

Sure, we’ve all seen artists performing cool body paint art on the Internet, but few are as skilled as Anne-Marie Villeneuve. I had the chance to meet Anne-Marie many years ago at Montreal Comic Con, where her awesome cosplays wowed everyone, and right away I could tell she was in a class of her own.

Since then, and mostly because of the pandemic, she moved on to create body paint art (Under the tutelage of Alexandra Bastien, another insanely talented artist!) that totally blows the collective mind of her followers. You probably haven’t seen much of her since she’s still very “local,” but we hope that’s about to change big time. Here are a few of her most impressive pieces. Please note that these pictures are totally safe for work as Anne-Marie always covers herself unlike many bodypainting artists out there.

As you can see each piece of art is totally unique and inspired by pop culture in general. She mainly uses water-based makeup as her prefered medium, but sometimes switches to other products to reach the intended result. Each project takes her between 6 to 12 hours. Here are a few videos showing some of her body paint in more details:


Un autre de mes préférés #moncorpsestmatoile

♬ Candy – Dillon Francis

Interested in seeing more of her? Be sure to follow Anne-Marie Villeneuve over at all her social media profiles linked below:

Anne-Marie Villeneuve on Instagram
Anne-Marie Villeneuve on Facebook
Anne-Marie Villeneuve on Tiktok

How to Recognize a Dystopia [Video]

From TED Education:

The genre of dystopia – the ‘not good place’– has captured the imaginations of artists and audiences alike for centuries. But why do we bother with all this pessimism? Alex Gendler explains how dystopias act as cautionary tales – not about some particular government or technology, but the very idea that humanity can be molded into an ideal shape.

[Source: TED Education]