Sure, others have done it, but I think this acapella version of the Star Wars theme is the best I’ve heard!
Sure, others have done it, but I think this acapella version of the Star Wars theme is the best I’ve heard!
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[Source: @seebangnow]
Terry Pratchett’s Discworld novels are amazing, but which one should you start with? Here’s a handy flowchart to help you!
[Source: goddamnshinyrock]
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[Source: @butajape]
Ever wondered what the cast of The Avengers would look like as the opposite sex? Check out this gallery of genderswapped pictures (generated via FaceApp) of the MCU team that takes a look at this possibility!
[Via The Superhero Club]
[Source: @butajape]
[Source: @tahilalats.en]
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Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts.
[Source: @otterlyhuman]