The Music of LOKI: A Wonderful Piano Medley [Video]

From AtinPiano:

Now that the sacred timeline has calmed down and everyone lost interest in Marvel’s best show so far, I decided to achieve my glorious purpose and record this medley of my favourite tunes from the show! As you can hear, I decided to move everything into Fm except for the one licensed track of the soundtrack which remains in its original Eb.

00:05 TVA Theme
01:19 Green Theme
02:28 Mobius’ Theme
03:46 If You Love Me
05:03 TVA Theme


BIG BLU-RAY SALE: Get THOUSANDS of Blu-Ray Movies For $9.99 or LESS Each!

For today’s edition of Deal of the Day, Amazon has THOUSANDS of blu-ray titles for under $10 each, with many priced considerably lower than that! Check them all out at the link, or select the category you are interested in via the left section on the sale page! There are a lot of great titles in there! Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts (as an Amazon associate or a member of other affiliate programs.)

THOUSANDS of Blu-Ray Movies For $10 or LESS Each!

This Zelda: Wind Waker “Unreal Engine” Fan Animation is Worthy of a Pixar Movie

3D artist and Youtuber Vitor Maccari made this amazing animation based on Zelda: Wind Waker using Unreal Engine, and as you’ll see, it almost looks like something Pixar would release on the big screen!

This is my first personal project using Unreal Engine. I did it just for learning and of course, for fun. I’ve reused the animation and the 3D assets from a short movie I made a few months ago (check out the link below). I’ve also modeled some new assets like grass, palm trees and rocks. I’ve made the handheld moviments myself with my DSLR camera. Then I tracked the shots using Nuke (Software) and imported them to Unreal.

[Vitor Maccari | Via Gizmodo]