Here’s a video showing the world’s longest Hot Wheels track, which was built as a STEM project by the children of parents working at Alfred Benesch & Co. in Foster Township, Pennsylvania.
[Guinness World Records | Via BIS]
Here’s a video showing the world’s longest Hot Wheels track, which was built as a STEM project by the children of parents working at Alfred Benesch & Co. in Foster Township, Pennsylvania.
[Guinness World Records | Via BIS]
[Source: @optipesscomic]
The HALO theme is one of those songs that never get old, even though it was released a little over 20 years ago! Listen as Nathan Mills from Beyond The Guitar performs a beautiful cover of the theme on a classical guitar.
[Source: @inkyrickshaw]
[Source: @zipfreemancomics]
Check out this absolutely wonderful acapella cover of the Baba Yetu (Swahili: “Our Father”) theme from Civilization IV by the awesome folks from Maytree.
[Source: @johnr.comics]
For those of you who’ve played The Sims, I know a lot of you have taken pleasure in doing unspeakable things to the characters living in your virtual world. Here is a compilation of very twisted things some people have done to kill their Sims.
[Via MC]
[Source: @brianwonderful]
A short movie by Devin Supertramp featuring Lara Croft, Indiana Jones, and Nathan Drake, all fighting for possession of the dagger of Turco-Mongol conqueror Timur Tamerlane, which according to legend, might unleash a terrible curse upon humanity when taken from its owner’s tomb.