[Source: @mygumsarebleeding]
Resident Evil Dead Village: An Evil Dead / Resident Evil Crossover [Video]
When Ash from Evil Dead and Army of Darkness meets the world of Resident Evil…
Warning: gore (obviously!)
Check the Walls [Comic]
[Source: @Inkyrickshaw]
Max Payne Returns In Remake
Max Payne is returning to latest-generation platforms with a “AAA-level” remake.
The project is currently only at a developmental stage, but will be a single title remaking Max Payne 1 and 2. It’ll be available for PS5, Xbox Series X and S, and PC.
It’s fair to say certain Rockstar remakes have not had a fantastic reception recently, so the production setup for this project may ease some fears. Rockstar (which bought out the rights to the brand 20 years ago) will be funding the development budget but original developers Remedy Entertainment will be making the game using their own engine.
The budget is said to be “in line with a typical Remedy AAA-production.” Once Rockstar has recouped the development budget and distribution costs, Remedy will get royalty payments.
There’s no word yet on if or how the game itself will change beyond simply improving the graphics. Remedy has said only that it will “bring the story, action and atmosphere of the original Max Payne games back to players in new ways.”
The big question among most fans right now seems to be whether game writer Sam Lake will again be the face model for the game, a choice which back then was a budget necessity. There’s also debate about whether Remedy should use graphic novel panels again for retro appeal or have full motion cut scenes.
The big question from me is whether I’ll rage quit after falling off the same plank 10 times in a row again.
When RPG Leveling Mechanics Get Overly Complicated [Comedy Sketch]
When the skill tree in an RPG gets way too complex…
Harmless Hoverfly [Comic]
[Source: @last_place_comics]
Today’s Hottest Deals: Save Big on PS5 Horizontal Stand, FLEXISPOT Height Adjustable Standing Desk, Award-Winning Photography Course, and More!
For today’s edition of “Deal of the Day,” here are some of the best deals we stumbled on while browsing the web this morning! Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts (as an Amazon associate or a member of other affiliate programs.)
–NexiGo PS5 Horizontal Stand (Compatible with Playstation 5 Disc & Digital Editions) – $29.99 $19.99
–FLEXISPOT EG1 Electric Height Adjustable Standing Desk (48 x 24 Inches) – $299.99 $199.99 (Clip Coupon at the Link!)
–The Award-Winning iPhotography Training: Lifetime Access (Access 18 modules & 80+ hours of content 24/7) – Learn How to Snap Better Photos with an Award-Winning Course Trusted by 90,000+ Students & The Fortune 500 – $849 $39
–Scopio Authentic Stock Photography: Unlimited Lifetime Subscription – Get Unlimited Access to 700,000+ Authentic Royalty-Free Images to Use in PowerPoint, Websites, Social Media, Ads & More – $3,480 $29
–Monopoly: Cheaters Edition Board Game – $21.99 $13.99 (Clip Coupon at the Link!)
–Save Big on Worx Walk-behind Lawn Mowers and String Trimmers
–Instant HEPA Air Purifier (Small Room, Filters up to 126sq ft, 5x per hour or 615 sq. ft per hour) – $129.99 $83.98
–Instant HEPA Air Purifier (Large Room, Filters up to 388sq ft, 5x per hour or 1,850 sq. ft per hour) – $239.99 $189.95
Time Traveler from the 1990s Discovers NFTs – THE FUTURE IS DUMB [Comedy Sketch]
Making fun of NFTs is super easy, barely an inconvenience.
Divorce [Comic]
[Source: @mediocreheroes]
Ghost in the House [Comic]
[Source: @portuguesegeese]