In 1952, polio was everywhere: killing or paralyzing roughly half a million people annually. Yet just 10 years later, paralytic polio cases in the US dropped by 96% and we were on track to get rid of polio for good. But in recent years, the virus started striking back. So, what’s behind these recent spikes? Explore the dangers of poliovirus and the possibility of eradicating this deadly disease.
Here is an original a cappella cover of the Mario Circuit theme song by Youtuber Smooth McGroove.
The one-and-only iconic song from the opening race of the first Mario Kart ever made! I played this game for countless hours after it came out; solo and two-player with my brother and friends. Even though this game’s been eclipsed by every other Mario Kart in the series, I still have a blast going back and playing it for nostalgia (and the music!).
For today’s edition of “Deal of the Day,” here are some of the best deals we stumbled on while browsing the web this morning! Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
–1minAI: Lifetime Subscription – Why choose between ChatGPT, Midjourney, GoogleAI, and MetaAI when you could get them all in one tool? – $234.00 $39.99
Yes, when the humans arrived in the Coalition they brought themselves, and their ships, and their weapons. Those were all very impressive. They showed up with positively gigantic starships – easily two to four times larger than anyone else. When asked, the humans just looked at them, then back to us and said “why not make them big? Don’t they look great?”
We could think of a few reasons, but they didn’t seem to care about those.
But that’s not what I want to talk about. Do you know what was the most amazing, galaxy-changing paradigm they brought with them?
In 1954, Joseph Murray attempted a type of kidney swap that no doctor had tried before. The surgery was a success, and the patient would go on to live with the transplanted organ thanks to one key factor: it came from his identical twin. 70 years later, nearly 100,000 kidneys are transplanted annually in the US alone. So how does this surgery work today?
Dig into the science of how kidney transplants work, how donors are matched and find out how this surgery saves lives.
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Build the greatest empire ever
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