This is a parody, but I’m sure this discussion happened many times. Here is why The Fellowship of th Ring did not fly the Eagles to Mordor!
Flavor Town [Comic]
[Source: @last_place_comics]
Dogzilla [Comic]
[Source: @zipfreemancomics]
Quentin Tarantino Vibes [Comic]
[Source: @Idiotoftheeast]
Tactical Error [Comic]
[Source: @gryzlock]
I remember when it was like this [Comic]
[Source: @mayokingdotcom]
Star Wars [Comic]
[Source: @mygumsarebleeding]
Holding a Human Conversation [Comic]
[Source: @Flotsamm]
Today’s Hottest Deals: Save BIG on Spaghetti Monster Colander, VINO “Bat” Corkscrew, Nessie Dino Ladle Spoon, Splatypus “Platypus” Jar Spatula, and MORE!
For today’s edition of “Deal of the Day,” here are some of the best deals we stumbled on while browsing the web this morning! Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts (as an Amazon associate or a member of other affiliate programs.)
–OTOTO Spaghetti Monster – Kitchen Strainer – $24.95 $19.10
–OTOTO Nessie Ladle Spoon – $17.00 $12.75
–VINO BAT Corkscrew and Bottle Opener by OTOTO – $29.95 $19.20
–OTOTO Gracula “Dracula” Garlic Crusher, Garlic Mincer & Herb Grinder – $22.95 $15.95
–OTOTO Splatypus “Platypus” Jar Spatula – $16.95 $13.50
–More Geektastic Kitchen Supplies on Sale from OTOTO
–Blink Video Doorbell + Sync Module 2 – $84.98 $59.98
–Dungeons & Dragons Rules Expansion Gift Set – (Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything + Xanathar’s Guide to Everything + Monsters of the Multiverse + DM Screen) – $169.95 $89.97
–DEATH WISH Whole Bean Coffee Dark Roast – The World’s Strongest Coffee – $19.30 $15.00
–Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Mash-Up Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 – $104.99 $79.99
Hi, Earth 🌎 [Comic]
[Source: @war.and.peas]