Netflix Releases COBRA KAI: Season 5 Trailer

Following the shocking results of the All Valley Tournament, Sensei Terry Silver is expanding the Cobra Kai empire and trying to make his “No Mercy” style of karate the only game in town. With Kreese behind bars and Johnny Lawrence setting karate aside to focus on repairing the damage he’s caused, Daniel LaRusso must call on an old friend for help.

The battle for the soul of the Valley may be over, but the war is just beginning. Cobra Kai Season 5 premieres September 9 only on Netflix.


Hacked Tractor Runs Doom

The latest installment of “Can It Run Doom?” has some unusual twists. The hacking of John Deere tractor screens brings both legal and societal implications.

You’d be wrong to assume tractors are not high-tech items: modern internet-connected models can include features from auto-steering to 3D mapping to sensors that gather data about crop yields and soil moisture to help plan future planting and gathering.

That’s led to ongoing debates and even lawsuits about whether John Deere owners have enough control over how they can get components fixed or replaced and how this fits in to right-to-repair laws.

Of course, where there’s proprietary software, there’s somebody trying to jailbreak systems. A researcher who prefers to be known as Sick Codes spent several months working on the John Deere user interface and the underlying Linux system.

The researcher eventually succeeded and, with a modder using the name Skelegant, got the tractor display running a farming-themed variant of Doom for a demonstration at the Def Con security conference.

What makes this more than a fun prank is that Sick Codes was able to get root access, albeit through hardware modifications to the circuit board. On the one hand, that could make it easier for farmers to get round limitations on self-repair.

On the other hand, the root access makes it that little easier for malicious hackers to abuse remote access. It’s still a bit of a stretch to imagine a hostile foreign power deliberately bricking farming equipment, but it’s not hard to image somebody wanting to disrupt the agricultural supply chain.

Historic Bill Gates Computer Up For Auction

A computer used by Bill Gates in his last major work as a software developer is up for auction. The TRS-80 Model 100 was one of the earlier notebook computers.

Although Gates had performed management roles since Microsoft’s founding in 1975, he continued as an active member on development teams until 1983. While he occasionally worked on development after this, the TRS-80 Model 100 was the last project where he was officially a team member.

The computer squeezed a full keyboard and LCD display into a 30 cm x 21.5 cm device that could operate off four AA batteries. Gates worked with Jey Suzuki on the ROM firmware that allowed an instant boot with the last-used application ready for immediate use.

Gates later described this as “a cool user interface, because although most of the code is a BASIC Interpreter, we did this little file system where you never had to think about saving anything. You just had this menu where you pointed to things. “

The unit up for auction, which remains operational today, has a Post-In note with a handwritten message from Gates saying “I don’t need this anymore. It is MS property. I am going to start using the model 200.”

The online auction ends on Friday. At the time of writing, the top bid was $4,900.

She-Hulk Has a Smashing Tinder Profile

Being all green, Jennifer Walters (Tatiana Maslany) is not very good at that dating thing, so she decided to create herself a Tinder account. Yep, it’s true, She-Hulk is on Tinder! Obviously, it might be to advertise the show, but I’m sure plenty of you single people wished it was real. Here are a few screen caps of her profile.

If you swipe right on her profile and get a match, you’ll be presented with a message proposing to “set up a date” to watch She-Hulk, but unfortunately, if you decide to reply, Jennifer Walters will just ignore you. Sad, isn’t it? Here is the message: