How Frozen-In-Time Scenes Are Shot For Movies And TV

As seen in the likes of โ€œSpider-Manโ€ (2002), โ€œThe Matrixโ€ (1999), and โ€œThe French Dispatchโ€ (2021), movies can make scenes look like theyโ€™re frozen in time. The first step is shooting at a higher frame rate to slow the action down as much as possible. In โ€œX-Men: Days of Future Pastโ€ (2014) and โ€œX-Men: Apocalypseโ€ (2016), the crew used a camera capable of shooting at 3,000 frames per second to capture time standing still as Quicksilver runs at superspeed. In postproduction, digital tools allowed animators to retime a live-action shot so Quicksilver looks like heโ€™s the only one moving, while stabilizing any subtle movements on any characters who were supposed to be completely still. But movies can also approach these scenes practically. For the Oscar-nominated โ€œThe Worst Person in the Worldโ€ (2021), prop master Hedda Virik created a fake coffee stream, built stands to hold up bicycles mid-ride, and employed stuffed dogs.


Cosplayers Invade Quebec City for Quebec Comiccon 2022 [Gallery]

Another year, another edition of Comiccon in the beautiful capital of the Province of Quebec, Quebec city! It was also the first time for as long as I can remember that no one was wearing a mask at a con. It was certainly a welcomed sight, especially when it comes to cosplayers who could finally display their costumes and makeup skills in all their glory! As always, my girlfriend and I were on site to capture the joy of the event on camera and film. So without further ado, here are our pictures from Saturday. The video will follow shortly.