After a few weeks of digging, AppleInsider has allegedly uncovered the details of Apple’s new MacBook Pro line-up. They’ve confirmed this based on new MacBook model numbers which have appeared in Apple’s inventory management systems.
Long story short, they will be available tomorrow sporting the newest Core 2 Duo Penryn chips running at 2.6GHz. They’ll also come packed with the new MacBook Air touch-pad, although we think that could have been taken care of with an update. The current line-up is already somewhat gesture compatible.
The prices will remain unchanged at $1,999, $2,499 and $2,799. Once again, the reputation of one of or favorite sites hangs in the balance. If the infamous yellow post-it shows up in the online store tomorrow, we will continue to love AI. If not, an all out protest will be staged containing much profanity.
There are few people who work with the Internet who understand how truly vulnerable and weak the core infrastructure really is. Nothing demonstrates this basic weakness better than the troubles experienced by YouTube over the past weekend when Pakistan, under orders from its government, put new BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) entries in one of their routers to block YouTube. The result was not just a block for Pakistan, but for vast chunks of the whole Internet.
Pakistan ordered all in-country Internet service providers (ISPs) to block access to, complaining that the site contained controversial sketches of the Prophet Mohammed which were republished by Danish newspapers earlier this month. The people running the country’s ISPs obliged, but evidently someone at Pakistan Telecom – the primary upstream provider for most of the ISPs in Pakistan – forgot to flip the switch that prevented those blocking instructions from propagating out to the rest of the Internet.
The result is that the Pakistani backbone Autonomous System (AS) announced to all of its peers via BGP that it was now authoritative for the DNS IP range of And this announcement was sent up the chain to its peers, and its peers’ peers, resulting in requests for YouTube.Com to be routed through Pakistan, which of course was not really routing for the site. After a while, the peers noticed the route poisoning and filtered out any BGP announcements coming from Pakistan, and restored the connection to YouTube.
Was this the equivalent of Islamic Jihad against the internet in response to the Danish cartoons? Some on NANOG certainly suspect this was a political move at least by a nascent government. Others suspect it was more of a simple misconfiguration. Danny McPherson at Arbor Networks provides an excellent analysis on how this happened and thinks it was an accident. He writes:
I fully suspect that the announcements from Pakistan Telecom for YouTube address space were the result of a misconfiguration or routing policy oversight, and seriously doubt impact to YouTube reachability [beyond Pakistan’s Internet borders] was intentional. The route announcements from Pakistan Telecom have long since been withdrawn (or filtered).
But this clearly demonstrates that you don’t need a huge botnet to take a corporation off the Internet. All it takes is fat fingers by an AS operator to sink your online presence, and no amount of content distribution or built-in redundancy can save you. But I know this garnered the attention of World Government organizations such as the US Department of Homeland Security, and they will be having a chat with the operator of the AS this morning.
A computer programmer is on trial accused of murdering his wife and the evidence against him is damning. So his lawyer has uniquely resorted to what many have called "the geek defense".
So what is some of the evidence against computer programmer Hans Reiser that his lawyer dismisses as weird geek behavior?
He purchased two books on murder
He took no part in the search for his missing wife
He had removed the battery from his cell phone
The floor of his car was soaking wet as if it had just been cleaned
He had removed the front passenger seat of his car
So this has intrigued me to ask the geek readers of this blog – are the above actions typical of a geek? Do you remove the battery from your cell phone on a regular basis? Would you consider it normal for a geek to remove the front passenger seat from the car? If you were a juror in the case, would you accept the "geek defense"?
* NOTE : the above Washington Post link requires free login to view the news article. If you don’t have an account and you don’t want to register, you can bypass the login screen using BugMeNot.
The Aquaskipper is an innovative human-powered watercraft that rests on hydrofoils, propelling itself forward when its driver hops up and down on it. According to its manufacturer, this is the fasted human-powered water vehicle on the planet. Built out of aircraft aluminum and fiberglass, the Aquaskipper only weights 26 pounds and goes at a top speed of 17 MPH. See it in action in the following video.
Did you actually think that HD-DVD was going to die gracefully? Perhaps with a solemn mourning ceremony and a tribute to the next-gen format that could have been?
You didn’t think about how retailers were going to dump their excess HD-DVD players though, now did you?
Apparently. both online and brick-and-mortar stores, are renaming HD-DVD players as ones which simply upscale plain old DVD’s. Ouch. Oh sure, HD-DVD playback is listed as a feature but this has got to be a pretty painful slap in the face. It has been a tough few weeks for HD-DVD and instead of dying quietly, it has attracted all sorts of terrible –and terribly hilarious– attention.
Looks like the “unnecessary” Bluray functionality of the PS3 suddenly became very necessary. Lem Kutaragi must be rolling over in his grave.
In the following video, virtuoso Pamelia Kurstin schools us on the theremin: a sci-fi-like instrument that is played without any physical contact. Her speech sounds undeniably nervous, however, her talent is a pleasure to watch. Enjoy!
Momenta, one of the finalists in Microsoft’s 2007-08 Next-Gen PC design competition, is a personal computer that attaches to your neck and records what it considers as “the most memorable moments of your life”. The device works by monitoring your heart rate, and as soon as it detects some kind of excitement in your day, it start to record the moment in an active buffer, Cloverfield-style. Here are a few additional pictures of the thing, for your viewing pleasure.
The competition also features a lot of other interesting entries. I invite you to check them all out.
The British TV channel “Channel 4” has brought out on their website an online detective role-playing game called “Bow Street Runner” which invites you to solve a murder in 18th century London.
Named after the group which were the predecessors to the modern day London police force, this free game is remarkably entertaining, even for me. Normally I am bored with PC games but this one managed to keep my complete and undivided attention the whole way through.
Using your computer mouse, you can lift pieces of evidence out of people’s pockets, search areas for clues and interrogate witnesses (you can choose between being polite and being nasty). Also using the mouse, you can stitch up wounds to a dying victim (you only have two minutes though to clean the wound and stitch her up!) and you can also pick the lock of a suspect’s desk drawer :
When you have enough evidence, you can then go before the magistrate and present your evidence. He can either accept your case and issue an arrest warrant, or laugh you out of his office. I was personally laughed out of the office with my “flimsy case”!
The game is not complete yet. Channel 4 has only posted Episode 1. The other episodes are apparently coming soon and you can leave your email address to be notified when the next one is ready.
The only downsides are that you can’t pause the game if you need to, you can’t go back to previous scenes to re-check something and you can’t save the game to continue playing it later. But hey it’s free and entertaining – who can argue with that?