Microsoft’s Sphere provides 360-Degree of Multi-Touch Goodness

The Sphere, a new product from Microsoft Research, has all the same feature as a traditional multi-touch screen, but mapped across a sphere. The device uses algorithms to round images before displaying them, because obviously, they just wouldn’t look right without this. Be sure to check out the cool “earth” mode and also the fun-looking pong-like game.

Cell Phones…For Your Health?

By JR Raphael
Contributing Writer, [GAS]

Some new mobile technology is aiming to turn your cell phone into a health machine.

It’s a refreshing change from the fear-inducing reports circulating once again of the cell phone’s potential to cause cancer. A Pittsburgh cancer research doctor sent out a new warning last week asking his staff to limit its cell use because of the possibility.

“We shouldn’t wait for a definitive study to come out, but err on the side of being safe rather than sorry later,” the New York Times quoted him as saying.

Now, though, Japanese carriers are coming up with ways to give phones positive power — at least, a little of it. KDDI’s Au unit has launched a new Smart Sports program for its customers. Its phones can now use GPS and motion sensors to measure steps taken during the day (either in running or walking). The devices can then calculate distance and calories burned and keep a running record, even transmitting the data wirelessly to PCs for further analysis. The program also has a music option that’ll pick tunes to match the intensity of your workout.

Japan’s NTT DoCoMo is getting ready to launch cell-linked blood pressure monitoring and even mobile-based weight checks. The goal, PC World explains, is to get hospitals and even health clubs to start linking up their own offerings with the technology.

Is it just me, or does all this exercise talk make you want to kick back and play some good old-fashioned cell phone PacMan? Now that’s what I call a workout.

Monetize your site with Performancing Ads

My Pal Ryan from just sent me an email to tell me that the company he works for has just officially launched their new ad network named Performancing Ads. Performancing Ads is an open ad marketplace that will help you sell 125X125 ads on your site.

Here’s what you’ll get as a publisher in the PerformancingAds network:

  1. A full time ad sales representatives selling 125×125 ads for your website
  2. A high-profile marketplace where advertisers can discover your blog. Since advertisers like to advertise across numerous blogs in a particular category, you’re much more likely to get sales than on your own.
  3. Minimum 60% revenue share on the ads they sell, and 100% revenue share on the ads you sell
  4. Free traffic through their exchange ad program and exposure on big sites. Once you sign-up, create an exchange ad. For ever ad you sell or exchange ad from a different publisher you show, you’ll earn credits and have your site shown on other sites.

Performancing Ads has been running in beta for a few weeks now on GAS, and it works wonderfully. There’s not much to do to make it work. Just subscribe to the service, add the plugin to your wordpress installation, and decide where you want to insert the ad module on your site. After, the performancing team will take care of everything.

And yes, even though the service was in beta, we already made a few bucks (and got paid!) out of it!

If you’d like to sign-up for PerformancingAds and give it a shot, here’s the link.

Power-generating Dance Clubs

Yep, you read that right folks. The guys from the Sustainable Dance Club project have developed a piezoelectric dance floor that uses the energy that dancers generate to power most of the equipment required to run a proper dance club. The first establishment using this technology opened in Rotterdam last year, and just a few days ago, on July 16, another club has opened in King’s Cross, right outside London. Video and diagram after the jump.

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PS3’s WipEout delayed for failing epilepsy tests

By Mark O’Neill
Contributing Writer, [GAS]

If you’re waiting for the Playstation 3 game WipEout then you’re going to be waiting a while longer.   It seems that the game has failed epilepsy tests due to the speed and flashing lights on the screen and will therefore have to be “re-engineered” by the developers.

There’s no word yet on how long that will even take.

I had no idea that games companies even ran “epilepsy tests”.   I am quite impressed by their thoroughness.


Bloggers : The typing more and moving less syndrome (Video)

By Mark O’Neill
Contributing Writer, [GAS]

This blog post by David Risley kind of hit a raw nerve today because it is a problem that all bloggers face sooner or later.

Blogging is a sedentary occupation.   I personally sit in my chair for 12 hours or more, 6 days a week.   Yes, I have breaks and walk around, but I don’t do a lot of strenuous exercise.   Blogging isn’t like working on a building site or working as a police officer or fire fighter.   It just involves sitting in front of a screen, typing away.    I enjoy what I do, but it’s hell on my lower back and neck.

This also means I am tempted to snack away on junk food while I am typing.   So quite often you’ll see chocolate wrappers, empty soda cans and so on around the computer monitor.   As a result, my weight has shot up over the past few years to the point where people are asking me when I am going to give birth to my triplets.

Now this is not uncommon with bloggers and other home-based workers.   You sit around all day, hardly moving, eating crap and the weight is going to eventually start piling on.    I keep telling myself I should start going to a gym to workout, but how many people tell themselves that but never go in the end?   I’m sure you tell yourself that too but never go either.   It’s human nature to get lazy and put it off in favour of opening another beer.

Which is why the best thing to do is : eat less and move around more!

Become the Dark Knight for only $7.4 million

By Mark O’Neill
Contributing Writer, [GAS]

As millions of people head to the movie theaters to see The Dark Knight, you too can be Batman – if you have a spare $7 million and change lying around.

The Chicago Tribune has a feature showing you each step you have to take and how much it will set you back.   From the suit to the car to the butler and much more.   As you will see, saving the world and getting the girl isn’t cheap.   The suit itself would take up just over $2 million of your budget.

But if you want to go the low budget route, the “Cheapo’s R-Us” strategy, then the Tribune has that covered too.   Just head towards the end of the article for some options leaning towards the Homer Simpson end of the price scale.   Oh look – a small Batmobile toy from Toys-R-Us for $27.99!  Holy Smackeronies Batman!

The lazy blogger’s post generator

By Mark O’Neill
Contributing Writer, [GAS]

If you blog for a living like I do, you’ll know that some days the words just don’t come.   For hours, you’ll sit there looking for stories or you’ll try to make the words come out to no avail.    Or you’ll simply not be bothered, give up and watch daytime TV instead.   There’s been many a time when Kiltak has sent me an IM message with a not so subtle “planning on posting anything today Mark?” to which I’ll reply “sssh…Oprah’s starting!”

Well if you find yourself in that terrible word drought situation then I have the very thing for you – the Lazy Blogger Post Generator!    Simply choose your phrase, hit the button and out pops your post!   Simple as pie!

So I chose my words and phrases, hit the button and…’s my Pulitzer winning post –

Blimey! I just got slapped with a wet salmon – really – I have not updated this since dearest Mummy was still alive… You would not believe how terribly tardy the Victorian internet can be. I prostrate myself in sorrow and beg thy forgiveness..

I am lost in a sea of pseudo-olde-english with finding Jesus (after someone told me he was lost), selling my soul to Google, just generally being an embarrassment to the bodyguards of the blogger I am stalking, my day drifts aimlessly from lunchtime to sun down and beyond. I am beyond drunk most of the time. I wish you could be here to share it.

I swear on the bones of my ancestors I will make more of an effort to blog more often. You have my word! Don’t hold your breath though, you’re likely to turn blue..

I’m convinced Kiltak will never notice the difference….I can automate this stuff and spend my whole day on the beach living a life of luxury and getting paid!   Wait…did I just say that out loud?

Memphis bloggers – respect ma authoritah!

By Mark O’Neill
Contributing Writer, [GAS]

First it was Chinese and Iranian bloggers getting the boot in from their government, then a Russian blogger received a suspended prison sentence for saying nasty things on his blog about the local police.   Now the Memphis Police Department (MPD) in the good ol’ US of A is attempting to discover who is behind MPD Enforcer 2.0

The blog, which is apparently operated by a former MPD officer, is extremely critical of the MPD and its director, Larry Godwin.   Now Godwin and the MPD’s lawyers want to know who’s behind MPD Enforcer.

So they have taken AOL to court because it looks like an e-mail address is associated with the blog. They want the company to hand over all records that will identify the perp so the heavily armed SWAT teams can raid the premises and take the dangerous violent S.O.B down – ASAP.   If that doesn’t pan out, I’m sure Google’s Blogspot is next on the hitlist.   We can then all sleep easy in our beds knowing that a dangerous blogger has been taken off the streets and will never harm our children or our children’s children.

Some thoughts – first, by doing what they are doing, the MPD is playing right into the blogger’s hands.   Not only are they giving the blog lots of publicity, but they are also confirming what the blogger is probably constantly saying – that the MPD is heavy handed and bullying.

Secondly, doesn’t the MPD have real criminals to catch instead of getting all worked up over one blogger?

Third, shouldn’t somebody teach the MPD and Director Godwin about something called the First Amendment?

Fourth, shouldn’t police officers be tough and develop thick skins?   It looks like the MPD can’t handle a bit of criticism on a blog without crying about it and running home to Mummy.   What about either ignoring the criticism or responding to it in a mature adult manner?   Isn’t suing a bit over the top?

I’m sure all you US readers don’t want to see your tax dollars being spent on lawsuits like this when they should be spent on catching criminals, building prisons and maintaining a justice system in general.   Instead, the MPD seems to be using your tax dollars to keep their egos intact.