Apple looks to end iPhone hacking

Apple has declared war against “unlocked” iPhones. Why? Because according to the company, the unlocking software used to open the phones damages them permanently, rendering them useless when future software updates will be pushed to the devices.

This is the first time Apple warned those considering opening their iPhone since the unlocking software started coming out several weeks ago.

The iPhone Dev Team, a group that freely distributes an unlocking tool, have responded Monday on, saying that their application “does not cause ‘damage’ as they (Apple) wants us to believe.”

According to the group, hundreds of thousands of iPhone owners have already downloaded the software, and “that number continues growing every day.”

Is there anyone among you that has an unlocked iPhone? If so, what is your reaction to this news?

Drooling over Assassin’s Creed

Assassin's Creed

I’ve been impatiently waiting for this game to come out for the past year, and fortunately, I won’t have to wait too long before the release date, which is set to be on November 13th. Assassin’s Creed will be released on all major gaming platforms and promises to be one of the best games ever created. I’ve added a bunch of videos after the jump, just to whet your appetite.

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Where does money really come from?

This is an informative and easy to understand documentary explaining how the financial system works.  The video lasts an hour and is well worth watching.  Take at least a few minutes of your time to watch the first part – if the subject doesn’t catch your interest, at least you’ll know how the basics work. Videos after the break.
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How to set up your computer ergonomically

How to set up your workstation ergonomicallyFirst, the science of ergonomics can be defined as, “the practice of optimizing the posture and positioning of the human body in relation with its environment.” Having a good, ergonomic workstation is especially important for office workers. Sitting down in front of a computer all day is not very good for the body, so in order to minimize the effects of our work environment, we definitely want to set up correctly.

When I stumbled on this great, online tool this morning, I immediately thought of all of you guys that are stuck in front of computer monitors for most of the day. If linking to this means a few of you escape a future visit to the Doc, I’ll have done my share of good deeds for the year.

“Follow the three steps below when planning your workstation. The values displayed will help you place your equipment for optimum ergonomic comfort.”

Make Your Workstation Fit You

Easily solve “spot the difference” pictures within seconds

Remember those ‘Spot the difference pictures’ puzzle games when you were a kid (or even as an adult?) Remember how long it took you to find them all? I had troubles – enough so that I was the last person to finish them and go out and play kickball! No longer, I say!

Introducing a sure-fire way to find all the differences in “spot the difference” picture puzzles in a matter of seconds. Only two requirements:

  • You must have that “magic eye” skill used with those goofy pictures from the 90’s (involving crossing your eyes)
  • The “spot the difference” pictures should be side by side for this technique to work. If they are below and above each other, just rotate the pictures/page so they are side by side. If they are skewed, you can tilt your head a bit…although you’d probably look a little funny.

Ok, once you have found a suitable picture…

  1. Stare at the pictures, begin to cross your eyes.
  2. You should see a third image appear between the two pictures.
  3. Focus on the middle picture, adjusting the tilt of your head so both pictures line up exactly.
  4. Once you’ve focused on the image, all the differences should look “luminescent”.

*This picture from AllStarPuzzles (click this link for the full size version)

Spot all 21 differences!

The trick is to cross your eyes so that your left eye is looking at the right image, and your right eye is looking at the left image. Once they both line up, you should be focused on a joined image (a mesh of the two). The differences will “glow” because one eye is seeing something different than the other.

The real trouble to this technique is to convince your eyes to lock on to the third image, but once you get the hang of it, it should take you no time at all.

Now go and impress your drunk friends!

Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts (as an Amazon associate or a member of other affiliate programs.)

Welcome to [GAS] 2.0!

Hello Everyone!

We’d like to welcome you all to the new and (we hope) improved [GAS]. This little project of ours has taken a long time to realize, but after a few long months of procrastination, we finally arrived at our destination. As you can see, [GAS] 2.0 is definitely a big step up from the previous version, both quality and functionality wise. The blog now runs on its own domain, on a paid for hosting provider, using the WordPress CMS. We hope that all these changes will please you, our beloved readers.

We would also like to mention that all old content will stay on the blogspot blog, so If you ‘re looking for some of our old posts or articles, just head over there and use the search field located in the sidebar. You will also be able to find some of our most interesting pieces in the old articles section.

If you would like to help us jump-start the launch of [GAS] 2.0 (and we really need some help here), you can either blog about the event, link to one of our new articles, or simply add us to your blog roll. If you already have a link pointing to us, we would be eternally grateful if you could edit it to point to our new url.

Thank you again for your loyalty and continued support.

Kiltak and the [GAS] team.

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