Located somewhere in Germany, this fun-looking water slide will fling you through a full loop before bringing you crashing down in its pool at the bottom, effectively atomic-wedgying you in the process. Enjoy!
Feeling Sick? Time To Visit Doctor Google
By Mark O’Neill
Google have announced their latest project – Google Health – which is a service where you can have your entire medical history uploaded into your Google account. But before you start hyper-ventilating, Google has promised that everything in your medical records will be password-protected and therefore will not be publicly indexed in Google Search (I certainly hope not!).
The whole theory behind Google Health is that wherever you go in the world, your medical history will follow you. I mean, how many times have you relocated to another part of the country or another country altogether and your medical records have been lost? Mine have been more times than I care to remember, so Google Health wants to help people like me keep their records in the one place, fully organized and fully digitized. Never again will they go missing.
Mastering the Costanza: Eight Steps to Beating a Lie Detector
By JR Raphael
Contributing Writer, [GAS]
Ah, the mystery of the lie detector. Can it really be beaten? George Constanza said trying to learn would be like asking Pavarotti to teach you his tricks. Well, grab your microphone and get ready. It’s time for you to hit the stage.
The basics
To beat a polygraph, you first have to understand how it works. The machine basically just monitors your body for changes. You wear devices that measure your heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing. An administrator asks you a series of questions, starting with “controls.” These are used to figure your body’s baseline reaction when you aren’t hiding anything. He’ll mix these in with the “relevants,” or questions related to the actual investigation. Understanding the difference is the most important step in learning to beat the machine.
Controlling the controls
A control will ask you something general that’s unrelated to the matter at hand. It’ll be broadly focused and often about a subject that causes discomfort. For example, have you ever lied to a loved one? Have you ever cheated on an exam, or stolen from an employer?
The real key to beating the lie detector is controlling your reaction to these controls. You need to produce a stronger physiological response to these questions than to the actual relevant ones. Here’s how:
- Maintain a calm and regular breathing rate. You want to be hitting about 15 to 30 shallow breaths in and out per minute, so about three seconds per inhale or exhale.
- When you recognize a control, immediately change that rate. The easiest way is to hold your breath once, for five seconds, after exhaling.
- At the same time, increase your heart rate and blood pressure. You can do this by performing mental arithmetic — doing complex division in your head, trying to count backwards by sevens — or by biting slowly on the side of your tongue, hard enough to produce moderate pain. Either will work, but make sure you’ve practiced plenty so it’s not noticeable.
Relaxing on the relevants
The second part of the equation happens with the relevant questions — the ones actually going after the information they need. All you have to do when faced with these is maintain the calm and regular breathing rate you learned, and remember that you are in control. Even if your body produces a slight nervous response, it won’t be nearly as high as the excited response you created.
Passing the other tests
So you’ve mastered the polygraph itself. Now you just to make sure you pass the other subtle tests that start the minute you walk in the door. Your administrator will be watching your every move, and it’s not just the machine that can lead you to trouble.
- Make no admissions. Regardless of what the polygraph shows, everything you say is being recorded. Don’t say anything you’ll regret.
- Keep your answers short. Administrators are trained to watch for extra words and rambling replies. Stick to simple yes-no answers as often as possible.
- When answering questions, stay still. Don’t change positions or shake your head, and don’t hesitate before speaking.
- Remember that you’re always being watched. Don’t do anything that could raise suspicion. Even if you’re in a room alone — bathroom included — odds are they’re taking notes.
George Costanza said it best: It’s not a lie if you believe it. Take these tips to heart and practice them until they become second nature. Then you too will have what it takes to beat a lie detector.
World’s Most Dangerous Domains
It seems that all domains aren’t created equal. According to a new study by McAfee, sites with names ending by “.hk,” “.cn,” and “.info” are among the most dangerous ones an Internet user can visit.
The second annual McAfee “Mapping the Mal Web” report into the riskiest and safest places on the Web reveals that 19.2% of all Web sites ending in the “.hk” domain pose a security threat to Web users. China (.cn) is second this year with over 11%. By contrast Finland (.fi) replaced Ireland (.is) as the safest online destination with 0.05%, followed by Japan (.jp).
It probably won’t come as a surprise to anyone that the “.info” top-level domain is ranked third with 11.8% of all sites ending in .info posing a security threat to their visitors.
For those interested in reading the full report, it is available on McAfee’s website right here.
Could Wikia Search be a serious rival to Google?
By Mark O’Neill
Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales is hoping that the Wikipedia magic will rub off on his latest project – to build a user community “wiki” search engine – unimaginatively called “Wikia Search“.
The search engine has been in existence for quite a while. I have had an beta invite to look at it and poke around at it with others, but yesterday marked the first time that anyone could participate without an invite. In fact, before today, I hadn’t taken a look at the search engine in quite a while and I was really pleasantly surprised at how far the project had come. But after putting in a few search terms, it’s clear the search engine still needs a lot of work done to it.
Crazy Russian Office Worker Goes on Rampage
Warning: the following footage contains scenes of extreme violence and has apparently happened just a few days ago in one of Moscow’s official newspaper offices.
Edit: We just got our hands on additional footage of the scene. If anyone speaks russian here, a translation would be appreciated.
Old Fashioned Instant Messaging Will Knock You Down
If your IM network ever goes down and you really need to get an important message across the office, forget the phone; there’s no better way to send your communications than via a good old-fashioned glass bottle
JJ Abrams’ new TV series – and it starts on a plane!
By Mark O’Neill
It’s the hotly anticipated new TV series of 2008. It’s written and created by JJ Abrams (creator and writer of “Lost” and “Alias”) so the hype is big. Also like “Lost”, it starts on a plane.
“Fringe”, which starts on August 26th on Fox, is all about Flight 627 which lands at Boston Airport with every passenger dead from a flesh eating virus. Enter the FBI to investigate.
Of course being JJ Abrams, it won’t be long before we are knee-deep in X-Files-style government conspiracies, people dying left right and center….expect a great TV series as “Lost” starts to wind down. Let’s just hope though that Fox doesn’t cancel it in favour of another reality show.
FBI Warns Wi-Fi Users to be Wary of Public Hot Spots
With the increasing amount of WiFi hot spots everywhere, the FBI is warning people to be careful when connecting to unknown wireless networks. Without the proper protection, it is fairly easy for a villain to capture information broadcasted from your system while being connected to a rogue or compromised access point. Since most laptops are configured to automatically connect to the strongest signal they can find by default, users are often unaware of the owner of the network they connect to, turning their “free” public internet connection into a very costly experience.
Here’s something else to consider: there are 68,000 Wi-Fi “hot spots” in the U.S. (see the graphic below for the top Wi-Fi countries), at airports, coffee shops, hotels, bookstores, schools, and other locations where hundreds or thousands of people pass through every day. While many of these hot spots have secure networks, some do not, according to Supervisory Special Agent Donna Peterson of our Cyber Division. And connecting to an unsecure network can leave you vulnerable to attacks from hackers. (Source: FBI)
To protect yourself against these attacks, there is one simple solution: Disable the automatic connection feature of your wireless client software. Here’s how to do it in Windows XP:
- Open your control panel and double click “network connections”
- Right click on your “Wireless Network Connection” entry, and click properties
- Select the Wireless Networks tab
- If “Use Windows to configure my wireless network settings” isn’t selected, it probably means you are using a third-party wireless client. If this is the case, you’ll have to consult the product’s documentation to learn about how to disable the feature.
- Under Preferred networks, select the top choice and click advanced
- Select “Access point (Infrastructure) networks only”
- Uncheck the “Automatically connect to non-preferred networks” box
- Click on the “close” button.
- Click on “OK”
Voilà! From now on, you’ll have to manually connect to any network that has not been added to the “preferred networks” list in your wireless connection properties window. For some, this will look to be more of a hassle than anything, but hey, you know what they say, better be safe than sorry!
Dance of Magnetic Fields Exposed to Human Eyes
Unfortunately, magnetic fields are by their nature invisible, but scientists from NASA’s Space Sciences Laboratory have managed to put on film what these natural phenomenons would look like if we could see them with our own eyes. Please note that this is a simulation and has been created using sound-controlled CGI and 3D compositing. Enjoy!