A Vision of Students Today

Cultural anthropologist Michael Wesch and 200 students at Kansas State University created this video summarizing the most important characteristics of students today: How they learn, what they need to learn, their goals, hopes, dreams, what their lives will be like, and how the world will change during their lifetime. It’s enlightening and interesting information for all of us who have been out of school for years. Things certainly have changed since I got my diploma twelve years ago.

Perfect seat for geek’s cheeks – the Sumo Omni

By Rob Dunn
Contributing Writer, [GAS]

When Kiltak asked me to review a chair for [GAS], I couldn’t refuse. Little did I know that THIS review was for a bean bag chair.

Incredulous, I accepted the opportunity, keeping in mind that I love reviewing stuff!

Since I’m not very photogenic, the picture below shows my daughter enjoying the Omni. ;)

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The Song Remains the Same, but now you can download it

By Sterling Camden
Contributing Writer, [GAS]

Hey fellas, have you heard the news? If it’s been a long time since you rock and rolled, then get ready for a whole lotta love. Led Zeppelin has finally decided to open their entire music catalogue to a number of online digital distributors.

Verizon wireless will provide full song downloads and ring tones on its mobile phone service. Hmm… picture yourself in an important meeting with upper management, and your mobile phone (which you forgot to turn off) suddenly breaks into The Lemon Song: “I should have quit you… long time ago!”

Well, I think it’s great that Page and Plant have conceded the inevitable. Hopefully this will allow even more people to enjoy the music of one of the greatest bands ever. As for me, I’ve had the CD boxed set for years (thanks again, Jim) — but now all you downloaders will be able to bring it on home.

Operating System Overview: Quick Notes on the Biggest

Have you ever been talking to another geek, and they mentioned on Operating System you hadn’t heard about, or you just wanted to prove how geeky you are by listing a large variety of operating systems and its variants? Well, this post will help you fill your brain with OS’s.

I won’t be covering every operating system, nor every variant under the sun, but rest assured, if you learn this list, you will have the essentials locked in that brain of yours.

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Girls gone wild…er, geek!

Actually, these girls do go wild, but not in ways some of you would expect. Now please, have a little respect gentlemen.

I’m not usually a fan of podcasts, except maybe for what Mark at 45n5 and David at xfep do. Until now, these 2 shows were pretty much the only ones I was listening to, but things just changed today when I stumbled on the Girls gone Geek podcast. Listening to a bunch of chicks geek out is just refreshing and wonderful… wonderful apart for the high-pitch laughing in the intro. I swear, while hitting the play button on the podcast widget, my eardrums almost exploded! In spite of this, these girls give an excellent show. Here are a few things they cover in their latest episode:

  • Identity theft
  • Beauty tips (Ok, that’s clearly not for me)
  • Editorial on HD video
  • Teaching programming to our kids (mine are still a little young for this)
  • Self-sustainable house technology

Girls gone geek!The Girls gone geek podcast will probably be of interest to most of you, but I think the female part of our audience will enjoy it more. Being named Geeks are Sexy, we couldn’t pass the occasion to give a little love to a bunch of fellow geekettes in need of a good audience.

So head over to girlsgonegeek.tv and give their podcast a try. I’m sure you’ll all enjoy it.

Facebook Worth $100 Billion?

By David Peralty
Contributing Writer, [GAS]

Facebook Worth 100 Billion?Do you think Facebook is stupid, or that it only appeals to the lowest common denominator of the people on the Internet? Would it then shock you that some people are already saying that the Facebook platform may one day be worth upwards of $100 billion dollars?

From Scobleizer

At the Graphing Social Patterns conference there was a guy who said that Facebook was worth $100 billion. He was properly derided, in my view, by most of the people at the conference.

But, one of his arguments was “would you have said that Google wasn’t going to be worth $100 billion back in 1999?” Yeah, I probably would have said you were smoking good crack if you told me that back then.

Problem is that if you said that back then you would actually have been right.

Now, in eight years will Facebook be worth $100 billion?

Personally, while I use Facebook, and it has become an e-mail replacement for my wife to communicate to her friends, I really hope that the service is eventually superseded by something better, more fulfilling, and with less of the application garbage that Facebook has allowed to crud up people’s profiles.

Sorry all, it was only fun when it was new. I really don’t want to be a vampire and bite people.

Pamcakes from 1938 Media gets it right in her recent video. All of these networks lack the ability to compartmentalize your life online, like it is offline. I don’t want my co-workers to see my status is “I am sick of work”. I don’t want my friends to get social media promotion requests.

What do you think, will Facebook become a $100 billion dollar company over the coming years, or is doomed to be replaced much like MySpace was?