This just goes to show that you’re never too old to tackle technology.
Australian blogger Olive Riley has diedat the age of 108. She was called the “world’s oldest blogger” and she was 12 years older than Spanish blogger Maria Amelia.
It’s amazing to me that someone that old was persuaded to start a blog in the first place or that she even understands how the internet works. My grandmother who is 82 doesn’t understand computers or the internet at all.
Olive’s blog, “The Life of Riley” is currently unreachable (probably because of the intense media reports surrounding her death, including CNN) but a friend of hers has set up a temporary blog for status updates.
Do you have an elderly relative that blogs? How do you explain the internet and blogging to your grandparents?
Apple freaks and PC nerds behold! The Bill Gates vs. Steve Jobs flash game puts you in control of one of your two heroes in a fight to the death that will only leave one standing. And the best of all? They’re using light sabers to bash each others over the head! Enjoy!
What do you get when you mix Vikings, Spaceships, and a dragon-like monster that comes from outer space? A movie named Outlander, that’s what you get.
Outlander is the story of a man that comes from space to fight an evil alien beast. The movie starts when he crashes in ancient Norway during the time of the Vikings. Yeah, right, I know what you think. I’m not sure on what the author was on when he thought of the idea, but it must have been very powerful stuff. Anyways, our intrepid hero then proceeds to fight the monster accompanied by several steroid boosted viking warriors. Sounds like a winning combination? Hmmm, I’m not so sure. I’ll let you watch the trailer so you can decide for yourself.
So, what do you think? Will Outlander be a winner or a loser? Let us know in the comments section!
Valentina Hasan was once a joke but now she’s famous for the wrong reasons. She went on the Bulgarian version of American Idol and sang the Mariah Carey song “Without You”. But instead of the proper words, she sang her own version, thinking that her English was perfect when in actual fact it was mostly gibberish. The judges were in total hysterics (as was I) and Hasan became famous on YouTube instead of the international music charts. To this day she still believes she is singing the real lyrics.
Ironically, she is now famous in her Bulgarian homeland as the “Ken Lee” woman and she is now being asked to come back by shows and repeat her crowd pleasing performance. Why? Watch the YouTube video and find out. I guarantee you won’t get “Ken Lee” out of your head for the rest of the day.
Apple’s much-hyped launch of their 3G iPhone today left buyers on both sides of the pond angry, albeit for vastly different reasons.
Stateside, Apple appeared to successfully match supply with demand, but many enthusiasts, some of whom had camped outside overnight to be amongst the first to get their hands on Apple’s latest gadget, were frustrated when they were unable to use their new phone due to activation problems.
Problems and complaints multiplied when existing iTunes users also found themselves shut out from their accounts.
AT&T, the sole US carrier for the iPhone, blamed synchronisation problems with Apple’s iTunes music software, suggesting too many users tried to activate the product at the same time. (You really have to think they might have anticipated this – you don’t queue for hours and hours and then wait until tomorrow to have a go.)
“While Apple is resolving the issue, we’re telling people to sync up to iTunes later at home,” said AT&T spokesman Mike Coe.
(Good luck with that, Mike.)
Meantime, in the UK, many fans were left empty-handed when Apple failed to deliver more than a few dozen handsets to some stores. O2, which like AT&T has sole rights to the iPhone, said many stores sold up to 40 iPhones an hour, but that customers had experienced ‘technical difficulties’ with the computer system that Apple uses to connect new users to O2.
I’ll be honest here – I was in Brighton today which has one of the flagship O2 stores. There was a huge queue of people outside, but I didn’t see it move at all and I passed by several times over the course of an hour or so. I really don’t understand why anybody wants to buy the first version of a new product – I mean, historically they’re always problematic and/or buggy – and why, even if they do, they have to also be the first to get it. What is that all about? Does anyone really think this is the only chance they’ll get?
The original iPhone was launched in 2007 and sold six million units. Steve Jobs has said he plans to sell 10 million units this year in an attempt to capture just one per cent of the global mobile-phone market.
The first line of TweetBeep’s webpage sums up this service perfectly – it’s the equivalent of Google Alerts for Twitter and it’s perfect if you’re following a lot of people on the service and you’re struggling a bit to keep up with all your replies.
It works the same way as Google Alerts – by entering pre-defined keywords and phrases, you’ll be emailed either daily or “as soon as it happens” when your keyword or phrase is mentioned in a Tweet. This also includes your @username. So as I said, if you’re a pretty popular Twitter user with lots of followers and you have replies coming in thick and fast, you can have a nice list of those replies emailed to you at the end of each day. You can then check the list, see if you missed any of the replies earlier and if any are still awaiting a response.
TweetBeep is also perfect if you’re a company tracking Twitter conversations about your product, webmasters tracking conversations about your blog or if you’re just an ordinary Twitter user who wants to know if other people are talking about you behind your back.
What do you get when you mix cornstarch and water and expose the mixture to the vibration of a subwoofer? Check it out:
Amazing, isn’t it? And for those of you who have young kids, this might be a cool science project to do with them. You never know… doing things like this in their company might pique their interest enough so that one day, they become physicists… who knows?
Other cool things to do with your kids involving cornstarch and water:
In the following video, Phil Plait of the Bad Astronomy blog (One of our favorite science-related blog here at [GAS]) explains several little known facts about Saturn’s rings, from theories on how they came into existence, to why there is a gap inside them.
To the unaided eye, Saturn doesn’t look like much. It appears to be just another “star” — brighter than most, but still just starlike. In fact, you can see for yourself: over the next few days, go outside right after sunset and look west. You’ll see two of these “stars” very close together. One is Mars, the other Saturn. It’s hard to tell which is which: from a few hundred million kilometers away, Saturn’s signature rings are invisible with just your eye.
That’s too bad. Saturn’s ring system is magnificent, and amazing. But if we can’t go to Saturn to see the rings, the least I can do is bring the rings here to you.
InformationWeek is reporting that Mozilla is already preparing Firefox 3.1 for release in the New Year and Firefox 4 is apparently already being discussed. This despite Firefox 3 only being released less than a few weeks ago. Take that Internet Explorer!
When it comes to discussing features, the big bone of contention is apparently the AwesomeBar (the URL bar that throws up every kind of previous URL when you type in it). It has its fans and its enemies (I’m an enemy and I disabled it on day one). Apparently, Mozilla is convinced that the enemies will eventually come to their senses and come to love it, so they have no plans to remove it. Well I can safely say that I will never come to love it and mine will stay permanently disabled.
As one reader in the InformationWeek article says :
The awesome bar sucks. My biggest problem is that it displays what you have been browsing to anyone looking over your shoulder. Lets imagine you have have been visiting a jobs site. You boss walks up and asks you to pull up something. You create a new tab and start typing ‘www’. You get that far and FF3 displays a huge banner with hotjobs or whatever. What a stupid idea.
What about you? Do you love Firefox’s AwesomeBar? Is it awesome for you? Or is it intensely annoying?