Life in Epsilon Eridani? Fascinating, Captain.

by Casey Lynn
Contributing Writer, [GAS]

Epsilon Eridani

Epsilon Eridani was already special, even before today. It is one of only four stars that scientists have found to have an icy ring of debris, which indicates that it has begun the process of forming planets. Additionally, at about 62 trillion miles away, it is our closest known solar system, and was borrowed by Star Trek creators as the home of the fictional planet of Vulcan (Mr. Spock’s home planet).

But it just got even more interesting… NASA announced today that the star, only 10.5 light-years from the sun, has two inner asteroid belts as well as a Jupiter-like planet in a very familiar orbit. Basically, Epsilon Eridani resembles a younger version of our own solar system.

Some astronomers postulate that if the solar system is like ours, then it’s likely that there are planets like ours as well. Others point out that it isn’t really a twin, but a different beast altogether; there are three belts of comets and astroids whereas our system has two. Scientist Jane Greaves makes an interesting point: “This implies that planets can shape systems very differently, and if life emerged in this system in the future, the environment could be very different. [For instance, comets and asteroids could pummel a habitable planet] from all directions, so life might have to evolve very fast to survive.”


Of course, the real question is, if there is a habitable planet there, is it anything like Vulcan? As a Star Trek geek, I know this about the fictional planet: (1) it’s hotter than Earth, (2) the atmosphere is thinner, and (3) it has stronger surface gravity. This is why the human Captain Kirk had so much trouble in his fight to the “death” with Spock in the episode “Amok Time.”

Though what every Star Trek geek also knows is that the Vulcan civilization is much, much more advanced than humankind… which doesn’t make a lot of sense when you consider how much younger Epsilon Eridani is than our own sun. However, maybe Ms. Greaves’ point is an important one: who knows how fast life on other planets might evolve, given the right circumstances. Maybe Vulcans crawl out from the primordial ooze in the time it takes us to develop warp speed.

Why choose between science and science fiction when you can have both?

Breathtaking Pixels: A Collection of HDR Images

by Casey Lynn
Contributing Writer, [GAS]

Today I stumbled across this collection of 17 of the Most Visually Beautiful HDR Images, and found myself staring at some of them for quite a while. I wish I was on a nicer monitor instead of my laptop so that I could fully appreciate them.

The definition of HDR, according to the poster: “High Dynamic Range. An HDR image aims to store pixel values that span the whole tonal range of real-world scenes. In order to create such an image several low dynamic range (ie ordinary digital photos) taken at differing exposure values are combined.”

It looks like he did a search for HDR images on Flickr and found the best ones. Needless to say, this is one of the reasons I love Flickr. Not only can you find such amazing amateur photography, but a great deal of it is licensed under Creative Commons, so it can be shared with the world!

The image pictured here is my favorite. As described by the source: “I made it to the heart of Ta Prohm, an undisturbed Bayon ruin out the outskirts of Angkor Wat. It was late in the day and there was a break in the afternoon summer showers.” To me, it looks like something straight out of a fantasy film.

[Picture Source: Flickr]

Automated Assets: After the tone, please enter your express service code

Automated Assets, a short movie by James Dastoli and Robert Datoli, exposes the real faces behind automated phone support systems. From now on, when you call in for support at Dell and get asked for your “express service code”, you’ll now know with whom you’re having to deal with. Enjoy!

British man prosecuted for publishing “obscene” story online

By Mark O’Neill
Contributing Writer, [GAS]

In a test case which could have severe ramifications for free speech on the internet, a 35 year old man is being prosecuted under British obscenity laws for a story he allegedly wrote and published on the internet.

Darryn Walker did not enter a plea and was sent for trial in March next year after the prosecution decided to charge him under the “Obscene Publications Act 1959”.   This is the first prosecution for written material under this law since 1991.

Walker allegedly wrote and published a story called Girls (Scream) Aloud – about pop group “Girls Aloud” – on the internet.  The story describes in detail the kidnap, rape, mutilation and murder of the band members and ends with the sale of various body parts on eBay.    The story was then published on the Usenet groups, in the “” discussion groups, where it was seen by the Internet Watch Foundation, who alerted police.

The Obscene Publications Act has had a bit of a hit-and-miss legal history.   It was used to try to get rid of “Lady Chatterley’s Lover” (we can see how THAT turned out) and after that, every attempt to get rid of objectionable books using the OPA was subsequently shot down by appeals courts.   I heard at one point that the British Government was going to either get rid of the OPA or radically re-write it.   But obviously nothing has come of that yet.

But now we have this totally ridiculous prosecution for publishing a story on the internet.   Yes, the subject matter of the story is absolutely awful but nevertheless, everyone has a right to publish what they want online without being harassed or prosecuted.    If Walker is convicted, this will set a chilling precedent.   If acquitted, the right to free speech on the internet will be affirmed by the courts.

An Anti-Cancer Beer to the Rescue?

Ahhhh, you’ve got to love the French paradox. France is notorious for fattening, artery-clogging food, yet has some of the lowest cancer and heart attack rates in the world, primarily due to a substance named resveratrol, naturally found in pomegranates, grapes, and incidentally, red wine.

Just a few months back, a group of scientists at the University of Wisconsin discovered that by adding small amounts of resveratrol to the diet of mice, the creatures’ aging process would slow and their hearts would remain healthy, even when constantly exposed to high-fat food.

So with this in mind, another group of researchers from the Houston-based Rice University decided that creating a cancer and heart-disease-fighting beer would be a great idea. Boy, as far as I’m concerned, this is the idea of the century. Unfortunately for beer lovers, who may have seen this as an opportunity to indulge in regular drunken stupors, only half a glass of the stuff each day will be needed to get the substance’s beneficial effects.

Let’s just hope that when it comes out, which–if it happens–should be in about five years, “resveratrol beer” will taste better than all those light beers out there. Knock on wood.

[Via Tristan Péloquin [French]]

Solar Furnace Burns Hot Dog Sausages, Melts Steel

A solar furnace is a device composed of a large curved mirror which harnesses solar rays to produce a high temperature beam of light. Possible applications includes melting steel, making hydrogen fuel, or even burning hot dog sausages to a crisp. The furnace you’ll see in the following video can reach 2,400 °C (4,352 °C), enough to melt steel, but according to Wikipedia, some solar furnaces can reach temperature up to 3,000 °C (5,430 °F). Video after the jump.

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New Harry Potter Trailer: Something for Fans to Nibble on While They Wait

by Casey Lynn
Contributing Writer, [GAS]

The next film installment in the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, was originally slated for release next month, and then a few months ago, suddenly pushed back by Warner Brothers to July 17, 2009. Fans were obviously not too happy about this (oh, the slew of worthless online petitions!). Still, WB insisted that the reason for the move was to bolster their summer line-up, despite theories to the contrary (because of Daniel Radcliffe’s nude performance in Equus on Broadway, or because of the HP Lexicon lawsuit).

Of course, if this newly released trailer is any indication, the film may be well worth the wait. Without going into details, let’s just say that I got shivers.

One little quibble: referring to Harry as “the chosen one” is even more irksome on film as it is in print. Yes, I know that it isn’t exactly a new concept, but I’d still prefer language that doesn’t bring to mind the lovechild of Neo and Buffy.

Would you like my dog to hump your computer?

By Mark O’Neill
Contributing Writer, [GAS]

If you’re one of the mad few who has started Christmas shopping early this year, then here’s a gift suggestion for the computer crazy geek in the family – a hound on heat that loves to hump computers!

Yes, so tacky even the Shopping Channel took a pass! For only $35 (EUR 20), you can have this very tasteful 8GB USB stick for Windows XP/Vista and MAC OSX.

But while you plug him in to do your computer work, he will get very frisky and will start to hump your hard drive (oooh-er Madam!).

For a practical demonstration, here’s a YouTube video.  (Make sure your children are safely out of the room before playing – we don’t want them to get any nightmares!).

You just have to love how the guy blurred out the USB socket!

Wasssssupppppppp: 8 Years later

8 years ago, a funny Budweiser ad went viral, infecting the whole planet with the “Wassup” meme. Now, the same dudes who were part of the original commercial have been brought back together to shout “Wassup” once again. Yes, we know, as almost everything published online recently, there’s an underlying political message to the video. So we’ll say just like our friends at Neatorama did: “Feel free to whine and complain about the political message in the comments.”

We’ve included the original version below first, just in case you needed to be brought back in time before watching the new one.

Wassup 2000

Wassup 2008

Real Consequences for Virtual Theft

by Casey Lynn
Contributing Writer, [GAS]

On the heels of the story about a woman “killing” her virtual husband, here’s another reminder that what happens in virtual worlds doesn’t always stay in virtual worlds.

The story is that one teenage Dutch boy forced another teenage Dutch boy to hand over his virtual property in the game Runescape. From what I can tell, this happened much like any other mugging. Except instead of “I’ll beat you up if you don’t give me your wallet,” it was “I’ll beat you up if you don’t log into Runescape and transfer all of your loot to my character.” Apparently the victim called his bluff, because only after he was strangled and kicked in the head did the attacker get the login information to transfer the goods himself.

Now that this case has gone to trial, it’s set some interesting precedent in the Netherlands: stealing virtual goods is a crime. According to the judge, “goods don’t have to be material for the law to consider them stolen.”

This issue hasn’t been dealt with directly in US courts yet, since the famous Bragg v. Linden Labs (in which a Second Life landowner sued when Linden canceled his account without compensating him for his land) was decided on contractual grounds rather than the court having to make any ruling about the property itself. And of course, Second Life is a bit easier to track when it comes to “real” value since players can sink real money into into property and goods there. Meanwhile, virtual goods in games like Runescape and World of Warcraft can only be valued by the player’s time, or maybe how much the lot might fetch on eBay.

The judge in the Netherlands apparently found the theft of one mask and one amulet in Runescape was woth a sentence of 160 hours of community service, or 80 days in jail (the lawsuit in question dealt only with the theft, not the physical assault). I highly suspect that the kid will be taking community service, if only because he can’t go that long without playing Runescape.