Created by a Vincent Chai, a student of the University of Hertfordshire, World War is a short CGI film featuring two transforming robots fighting in Hiroshima, Japan, exactly 100 years after the end of World War II. Enjoy the show!
Nurse suspended for brain surgery Facebook photos
By Mark O’Neill
Contributing Writer, [GAS]
Just when you thought the Facebook craziness couldn’t get any crazier, the hits just keep on coming!
A Swedish nurse has been suspended from her job after she used the camera from her mobile phone to take pictures of a brain surgery operation she was participating in. She then posted the pictures to her Facebook account.
She was apparently trying to impress her Facebook friends with her cool job – “look I’m staring straight at someone’s brain! That beats you flipping burgers any day of the week!”
Needless to say, the hospital where she worked totally flipped out and suspended her. The photos have apparently been removed from the Facebook account and she is said to be “devastated”.
“Devastated”? How did she think this scenario was going to play out? With a big fat promotion and pay raise? Plus the surgeons who stood there and watched her take the pictures should be disciplined too – and that doesn’t even begin to address the lawsuit possibilities when the patient finds out that his brain was on a social network!
and this is me on Facebook…..helping with brain surgery – Times Online
[Picture Source: Flickr]
Apple releases three new stupid “Get a Mac” ads
As always, Apple are basing themselves on the ignorance of casual users and technically challenged people to push their systems out in the world. You have to admit though, their marketing campaigns are absolutely brilliant. Gotta give this to them. Videos after the jump.
This Year the Olympics is a House of Cards – Literally
By Jimmy Rogers
Contributing Writer, [GAS]
No, the proceedings aren’t unstable…but this model of the Olympic Village is! Watch the video for the whole story:
Having built a few card castles myself, I can tell you that the beginning is the hardest part – the subsequent layers are pretty easy after that. The added complexity comes from the meticulous recreation of the bird’s nest and the other architechtural eye candy. Props to the card ninja for his stunning rendition of China’s new athletic gems.
[Via GIzmodo]
Paris Hilton reading a book: Could she be a geek?
It’s not just ANY book—check this out:
First, there was that amazing video on Funny or Die, and now… this?
Yes, in this picture, Paris is reading Sun Tzu’s Art of War, the book used for centuries by generals and businessmen to overcome seemingly unsurpassable obstacles and dominate their enemies.
Deep down inside, could Paris Hilton be a geek? Or is her marketing agency trying to make people forget her blonde side and get some geek creds? I know that since she filmed that presidential campaign spoof a few weeks ago, the blogosphere has erupted with nothing but sympathy toward her, and people are now saying that she must not be so dumb after all. Word is that she did the whole “commercial” without cue cards… the little darling memorized those big words and delivered them with aplomb.
If you’re one of the rare person who hasn’t seen it yet, here it is, for your viewing enjoyment.
[Picture source: Flickr]
Hardcore Batman fan builds his own Batmobile ‘Tumbler’
By Mark O’Neill
Contributing Writer, [GAS]
So you think you’re a big Batman fan eh? Well you’ve got some serious catching up to do my friend because Bob Dullam has been spending some serious cash on building his own Batmobile ‘Tumbler’ – up to $70,000 worth – and he hasn’t even started on the interior of the vehicle yet!
Using only photographs and DVD stills, he’s built a pretty good replica of the Dark Knight’s babemobile, and when he’s finished, he plans to build the Bat Bike from the Dark Knight movie.
This guy has too much money to spare and too much time on his hands! But that doesn’t stop me from being jealous and wanting this beauty in my driveway. All I need now is the Batman outfit and then I’m all set to hit the town!
The Silent Alarm Clock
I don’t think there’s anything as annoying as being jolted awake by a high-pitch electronic sound in the morning. Here is an alternate solution that ought to be more pleasant on the ears:
“Silence” is a conceptual alarm clock that will wake you up without emitting any sound. Each person who wishes to get woken by it has to wear a special wireless rubber ring. When the designated wake-up time comes, the clock will send a signal to the ring, which in turn will generate a tactile alarm. The sleeper can then shake his hand to activate the snooze function if he wishes to sleep a bit longer. However, further snoozes will be harder to generate, requiring more vigorous shaking each time.
[Via Yanko Design]
Is Microsoft censoring Tibet email addresses?
By Mark O’Neill
Contributing Writer, [GAS]
If you would like the country of “Tibet” to be part of your new Hotmail email account name, then you are out of luck. The New York Times is reporting that anyone who tries to enter “Tibet” into a new email account application is told that they have entered a “word that is not allowed”.
Is Microsoft nervous about upsetting China with “[email protected]”? Microsoft gave the New York Times a rather strange alternative and frankly unbelievable explanation about banning email addresses that could include partial names of financial institutions. Got to stop those nasty phishers you know! After all, allowing Tibet email addresses could lead to someone pretending to be from the TIB Bank!
As one commenter on the NY Times page said, “Good thing ‘Tiberius’ isn’t a popular name these days”
Office Survival Techniques (Video)
If you’re just starting out in the cold, harsh world that is the life in corporate offices, the following video will teach you various techniques to help keep you healthy and fed until you go back home after a hard day at work.
[Via UniqueDaily]
Bad News: The Galactic Empire has taken over California
Good News: There’s a -reason- they elected the Terminator as governor.
Video after the jump.