Ringtones that unblock your runny nose?

A Japanese ringtone provider has recently started selling ringtones that, according to scientific studies, can unblock your stuffy, runny nose. The treatment, which is composed of various unmelodious sounds and vibrations, is applied by holding your mobile to the bridge of your nose for 30 seconds while it is ringing. These ringtones are apparently not only effective for people suffering from the flu, but also for those affected by various allergies.

“We developed these ringtones based on scientific studies” claims its creator, who unsurprisingly, doesn’t point out his sources. He also adds that the ringtones will not work on everybody. Yes, of course! Why am I not surprised by this?

The sound frequency effective on men apparently corresponds to a “La” (440 hertz), and the one on women, a “Do” (532 hertz).

The ringtones can currently be downloaded on the portals of many popular Japanese cell phone providers supporting the Dwango platform (NTT Docomo (i-mode), AU/KDDI (EZWeb) and Softbank Mobile (Yahoo Keitai)).

[Via AFP]

Einstein Robotic Head Looks Almost Like the Real Thing

Even though the famous physicist has been dead for over 50 years, it seems that Einstein, or at least a part of him, has recently been reincarnated in the form of a very life-like looking robotic head. The head, which was designed by Hanson Robotics, can interact with people in a relatively natural way, thanks to specialized software created by Scientists at Calit2. As seen in the previous video, the robot can recognize and respond to various human facial expressions, potentially making it a great tool for purposes such as entertainment, teaching and even cognitive therapy.

How to Survive Quicksand

Contrary to popular belief, surviving when stepping into a pool of quicksand is actually easy. All you have to do to is to calmly lie on your back, and you’ll be quickly floating on top of the muck instead of drowning in it. The following video segment from Bill Nye, The Science Guy, will bring you down memory lane and show you how you too can survive if you ever find yourself drowning in quicksand. Ok, maybe you wonโ€™t be able to get out of it, but at least youโ€™ll liveโ€ฆ for a while.

The Uncomb: For that untidy, unkempt, undone look that women love

Have you ever noticed that through the years, trends appear where when you’re a guy, looking like an unkempt slob actually becomes fashionable? During those times, achieving the perfect sexy geek look is easy; just don’t shave for a few days, and be sure to use the Uncomb! The Uncomb will allow you to have that perfect bed-head in no time! Just swipe it across your head a few times, and you’ll be ready to break hearts right away.

[The Uncomb]

VMWare Virtualizes Smartphones

In the following video demo, VMWare introduces their new virtual machine solution for smartphones. Just like their other virtualization products, this one will allow users to load multiple operating systems on a single mobile device. Unfortunately, for now, the product will only work on smartphones featuring processors of ARM Cortex-A8 or Cortex-A9 designs.