Science is Sexy: Will the Large Hadron Collider Blow Us Up?

By Jimmy Rogers (@me)
Contributing Writer, [GAS]

LHC DetectorMaybe you’ve heard about the recent controversy over the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva.  This device, probably the most complex machine ever devised by man, has been the focus of much debate because of its potential to do two things.

  1. Be an enormous waste of money
  2. Create a black hole and annihilate the entire Earth in the process.

Being that we’re all geeks here, I’m not going to focus on the first prospect because science is awesome and we SHOULD spend money on it.  No, I’m here today to talk about the far more spectacular failing of the LHC, the potential destruction of our planet.

Is this something we really need to worry about?  Are the physicists leading us down a dangerous path?  Are the people making accusations just completely off base?

To answer that questions (and provide some much needed comic relief), here’s a clip from a recent Daily Show in which John Oliver “interviews” those in the midst of the debate (US only! For those living in other countries, check out the low-quality youtube clip here):

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart M – Th 11p / 10c
Large Hadron Collider
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Ok, so their take on it was a bit silly, but just to clear things up, the “50/50” guy doesn’t seem to understand basic probability.  The odds of something occuring equal the number of times that event will occur out of all possible scenarios in an experiment.  If the odds were 1:2 (or 50% probability) and the experiment was run 1000 times, 500 Earth destroying events would occur.  The odds of a disaster have been stated to be much much lower than this by scientists evaluating the problem.

While I don’t want to get into an exact numbers game, the basic premise of the scientific conclusions can be laid out conceptually.  First of all, if you recall the clip, the LHC is a particle accelerator.  It takes very small particles, accelerates them as close to “c” (the speed of light) as possible, and whacks them into each other, head on.  The particles explode and bare their constituents to observant physicists (or the computers of those physicists at least).

black-holeCritics fear that such high energy experiments might created the conditions for a brand new black hole.  They might not be wrong either.  Some work is being done to show how micro black holes (read: microscopic) can form under certain conditions, but these black holes typically dissapate in moments, long before they can pull much of anything into them.

The best argument I have heard for the safety of the LHC came from one of my physics professors in college.  If you think about it, there are an enormous number of particles and cosmic rays slamming into one another out in space.  This includes the borders of our own atmosphere.  As there aren’t a proliferation of black holes hanging out in our solar system, I feel fairly safe replicating an event that apparently happens in nature all the time.

So why bother with all of this particle accelerator stuff anyway?  Well, the answer probably deserves its own article, but my short summary is as follows:

  • There is much we don’t understand about particle physics and experimental platforms like the LHC help us get a lot farther down the road.
  • Our physics is reaching a point where the energies and masses required to test it is difficult to replicate on Earth.  Only huge facilities like the LHC provide addequate conditions (you may read this to mean that our future will probably involve  a lot more observation of galactic phenomena and less direct experimentation).
  • One of the big questions in physics today is “why does matter have mass?” and “how does gravity work in tandem with other forces?”  The LHC was built to answer these and other questions.
  • Even if the physics questions fail, the technologies that come out of the project’s construction (like super-high speed data tranfer advances) will have a positive impact on our society as a whole.  Think of it as a return on the investment.

For your futher edification, here is Brian Cox in a TED talk about the LHC:

Brian later did another TED talk about why the LHC had to shut down for a while due to a malfunction.

Well, I hope that the world of high energy particle physics is a little less mysterious.  Then again, in this field, the more you learn, the less you seem to know!  I am by NO MEANS a physicst so I won’t be able to answer tough questions like I did on earlier Science is Sexy pieces.  That being said, feel free to discuss in the comments or hit me up on Twitter.

[LHC image under GNU Free Documentation Liscence | Black Hole image from The Same Rowdy Crowd]

Neill Blomkamp’s District 9 Looks Positively Amazing

If you’ve never heard the name Neill Blomkamp before, you’ll definitely want to check this guy out. Mr. Blomkamp has been producing short films for a while now, but I think District 9 is his first full lenght movie. He employs a documentary-style, hand-held, cinéma vérité technique, blending his footage seamlessly with naturalistic and photo-realistic computer-generated imagery effects. the result usually is, shall we say, absolutely amazing. District 9 is set to be released on August 14.

Other work by Neill Blomkamp:

New G.I. Joe Movie Trailer is an orgy of exaggerated, awesome visual effects

Explosions, guns, gadgets, ninjas, over-muscled, steroid-pumped heroes? Hell yeah! G.I. Joe: The Rise of the Cobra could possibly be one of the most awaited summer movie for geeks who grew up in the 80’s.

From the Egyptian desert to deep below the polar ice caps, the elite G.I. JOE team uses the latest in next-generation spy and military equipment to fight the corrupt arms dealer Destro and the growing threat of the mysterious Cobra organization to prevent them from plunging the world into chaos.

[Via Io9]

Kindle finds a mature audience

According to one estimate, half of all Kindle owners are aged 50 or above. The sampling method was far from scientific, but if anything, could have understated the proportion of older users.

The figure comes via the Kindle Culture blog, which analyzed responses to a thread in the official Amazon Kindle forum asking how old users were. The site looked at 1,387 responses and put them into age groups as follows:

  • 10-19: 4.25 per cent
  • 20-29: 13.3 per cent
  • 30-39: 15.7 per cent
  • 40-49: 19.1 per cent
  • 50-59: 21.2 per cent
  • 60-69: 18.3 per cent
  • 70-79: 6.6 per cent
  • 80-89: 1.5 per cent

It’s worth remembering that there’s some inherent bias in the poll, as people reading and responding to the Kindle forum are likely to be the most dedicated or passionate users. Most researchers would also question the inclusion of second-hand results (that is, the ages of family members and friends owning the device who were mentioned by posters).

However, the sample size is pretty solid: it’s the same size as many national opinion polls, and is statistically at a point where you’d have to dramatically increase the numbers questioned to get a noticeable improvement in reliability.

Indeed, even if the results are inaccurate, you’d expect them to be biased in favor of younger adults, the people commonly assumed to be the most likely to be posting on internet forums. (You could make a tenuous case that older users are more likely to have problems with a device and need to get online advice.)

So why the unusual demographic pattern, which flies in the face of conventional wisdom about the types of people who adopt new technology? The theories include:

  • Older readers particularly appreciate the relative ease of reading text on the large-screen compared with other devices such as smartphones.
  • The demographics have been swung by the Oprah effect, with her traditionally older audience following her recommendation.
  • The magazines available in Kindle form are particularly popular among older readers.
  • Older people are more likely to be avid readers and thus find the Kindle a worthwhile purchase.
  • Older people may have more money to spend on the Kindle because their ‘gadget budget’ isn’t eaten up by other devices seen as must-have by younger buyers such as smartphones or laptops.

Surgical Masks Now an Accessory?

By Jimmy Rogers (@me)
Contributing Writer, [GAS]

So you’ve been wandering around town all day in your plain, boring surgical mask.  Don’t you wish it matched your swanky clothes?  Would you prefer it if it frightened nearby children?  Well never fear, the internet can once again solve all your problems!

Gizmodo has reported on these awesome surgical masks being worn on the streets of Mexico:


Pretend to be French – Pretend to be Dead – Pretend to be a Shark – A mask for every occasion!

Even better are these fantastic art masks designed by Yoriko Yashida.  He has designed almost 50 masks that each have a different theme or represent something in Japan.


Let’s hope that the mask requirement doesn’t come to the states, but if it does, we’ll all be set.