[Source: @biggbirb]
Dog Translator [Comic]
[Source: @vcsandfeces]
Jack Black Might Be the New Superman, DC and James Gunn Respond [Video]
So yeah, according to this super serious Instagram video, Jack Black might become the new Superman. Even James Gunn seems to agree, mentioning that Black was supposed to wait until ComicCon for the big reveal. Behold:
And here are the responses from James Gunn and DC:
Shawicon 2023: Friendly Cosplaying at Our Favorite Pop Culture Event [Gallery]
For the first time in 3 years, our favorite con in the province of Quebec is back! Shawicon is a small and super friendly pop culture event that usually takes place yearly in the city of Shawinigan, Quebec, but due to the pandemic, the event was postponed multiple times until this year!
Featuring wonderful cosplayers, artists, and actors, the convention offers the best of what geek culture has to offer, including parties, shows, and beer!
Our favorite part of the event? Definitely meeting Robert Maillet, the 7″ tall Acadian giant that played in 300, Sherlock Holmes, Pacific Rim, and more! He was also Kurrgan in the WWE. What a nice guy! Here is a picture of my girlfriend (La Mamanista when she writes on the site), with the man. Look at his hand compared to her head!
So without further ado, here are our cosplay photos of the weekend!
Godspeed [Comic]
[Source: @darknoodlecomic]
How to Team up With an Overpowered Guard [Comedy Sketch]
How to use OP guards to your advantage…
It’s Electric! [Comic]
[Source: @MilkshakeAmnesia]
Use the Bathroom [Comic]
[Source: @goodbearcomics]
How Ben & Jerry’s Can Pump Out One Million Pints of Ice Cream Per Day
Ben & Jerry’s is most definitely my favorite brand of ice cream, far in front of all its competitors, both local and international. My favorite? Cherry Garcia! In this video from Business Insider, learn all about how the company can pump out nearly one million pints of ice cream per day! Most impressive… and delicious!
And they also have stellar customer support! At one point, there were some problems with a few pints I bought due to grocery store issues, and after contacting them, they sent me a bunch of coupons to get free ones!
And nope, I’m not getting paid to write this. ;)