Four Volcanic Hotspots in the Solar System

Io has volcanism. NASA/JPL/University of Arizona

Gareth Dorrian, University of Birmingham

Evidence for current volcanic activity on the planet Venus has recently made the news. But Venus is far from the only world beyond Earth to exhibit signs of volcanic activity.

In fact, having volcanic activity (volcanism) on planets is quite common. Here are four worlds which have boasted active volcanism, from Mars to the far flung reaches of the outer Solar System.

1. Mars

Active volcanoes on Mars have not been directly observed, however, signs of volcanism are abundant on the Martian surface. Chief among them is the aptly named Olympus Mons, the tallest known volcano in the Solar System.

Olympus Mons stands at approximately 26km above the surrounding terrain, is roughly twice as high as Mount Everest, and is topped by a volcanic caldera some 70km across. The base of Olympus Mons is the size of Poland. The volcano is flanked by many solidified lava flows, the most recent of which are only a couple of million years old, making them geologically recent.

Like many of Earth’s volcanoes, Olympus Mons is a basalt “shield volcano”, so termed because it has gentle slopes and a profile which resembles a shield laying on its side. A similar volcano on Earth is Mauna Kea in Hawaii. Elsewhere on Mars, a recent study has argued that another volcanic region, Elysium Planitia, is active today and powered by a sub-surface mantle plume similar to those which power volcanic hotspots on Earth.

Olympus Mons. Nasa

The study used seismic data collected by Nasa’s Insight lander spacecraft, which has detected numerous “Mars quakes” emanating from this region.

2. Ceres

The largest asteroid in the main asteroid belt is Ceres. It is a small world of just under 1,000km in diameter which orbits the Sun between Mars and Jupiter once every 4.6 years. It was visited for the first time by a robotic spacecraft in 2015 – Nasa’s Dawn mission. One of the most interesting discoveries of this mission was the volcano Ahuna Mons.

Most of Ceres’ surface is covered by impact craters, some of which show salt deposits inside them. However, Ahuna Mons stood out as an approximately 4km high mountain towering over the surrounding terrain. It is the only feature of its type on Ceres, and its flanks are covered with deposits of carbonate salts.

Ahuna Mons flanked by bright streaks of salt. NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA

The mechanism for the formation of this mountain is believed to be cryovolcanism, where liquid salty water rather than lava is ejected. On Ceres, these salt-water eruptions are produced due to the pressure from the asteroid’s icy surface. As the erupted water evaporated away under the vacuum of space, it left behind salt deposits. Ahuna Mons is the nearest known cryovolcano to the Sun.

3. Io

Io is the innermost large moon of Jupiter and orbits the host planet once every 43 hours. It was discovered by Galileo in 1610 and is about the same size as Earth’s Moon. But unlike our quiet celestial neighbour, Io is the most volcanically active body in the Solar System. Io has been surveyed several times by robotic spacecraft and by telescopic observations from Earth.

Its surface is a distinctive yellow-red colour owing to vast deposits of sulphur, much of which has been erupted from the more than 400 active volcanoes on its surface. The source for much of the energy for all these volcanoes comes from tidal forces due to the proximity of the second nearest large Jovian moon, Europa, and the largest Jovian moon, Ganymede.

Io completes two orbits of Jupiter for every one orbit by the moon Europa, and four orbits of Jupiter for every one orbit of Ganymede. Hence, Io frequently lines up with one of these other moons and is stretched by the powerful gravity of Jupiter in one direction and the aligned gravitational fields of the outer moons in the other.

This continuous flexing releases large amounts of heat, which helps to keep the interior of Io molten and drive volcanism on its surface. Some of the most spectacular volcanoes of Io erupt plumes of material hundreds of miles above Io’s surface, as seen in the animation below.

Eruption plume from the Tvashtar volcano, Io. NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute

Io is quite the tortured world, with a surface pockmarked by violent volcanoes and showered with highly ionising radiation radiation from Jupiter’s radiation belts – even generating aurora in the moon’s thin atmosphere.

4. Pluto

Pluto lies in the Kuiper Belt, an extended region of icy dwarf planets in the distant outer Solar System, of which Pluto is the largest known member. It orbits the Sun once every 247 years and the heat from the Sun at this distance is so feeble that Pluto’s average surface temperature is a frosty -230°C.

However, despite these frigid conditions, Pluto is an active world with many features of interest, including a thin atmosphere and glaciers made from frozen nitrogen.

Wright Mons, showing the distinctive summit depression. NASA/JHUAPL/SwRI

The first and, so far, only robotic visitor from Earth was Nasa’s New Horizons mission which famously flew past the ice dwarf, and its moon Charon, in 2015. One remarkable feature discovered was Wright Mons.

This large mountain is about 150km across and over 4km high, with a distinctive large depression at the summit. The absence of recent meteorite impact craters on this feature strongly suggest that it is young, geologically speaking.

Wright Mons also resembles a shield volcano. It is believed to be a cryovolcano similar to those found on Saturn’s moon Titan and Ceres, but it is the largest such feature known in the Solar System. The true nature of this intriguing mountain is still not fully agreed upon.The Conversation

Gareth Dorrian, Post Doctoral Research Fellow in Space Science, University of Birmingham

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

How do superconductors work? A physicist explains what it means to have resistance-free electricity

Magnetic levitation is just one of the interesting attributes that make superconductors so interesting. Mark Garlick/Science Photo Library vie Getty Images

Mishkat Bhattacharya, Rochester Institute of Technology

The modern world runs on electricity, and wires are what carry that electricity to every light, television, heating system, cellphone and computer on the planet. Unfortunately, on average, about 5% of the power generated at a coal or solar power plant is lost as the electricity is transmitted from the plant to its final destination. This amounts to a US$6 billion loss annually in the U.S. alone.

For decades, scientists have been developing materials called superconductors that transmit electricity with nearly 100% efficiency. I am a physicist who investigates how superconductors work at the atomic level, how current flows at very low temperatures, and how applications such as levitation can be realized. Recently, researchers have made significant progress toward developing superconductors that can function at relatively normal temperatures and pressures.

To see why these recent advances are so exciting and what impact they may have on the world, it’s important to understand how superconducting materials work.

Two lightbulbs next to each other with one showing a glowing filament.
Most materials offer resistance when electricity runs through them and heat up. Resistance is how filaments in an incandescent lightbulb produce light. Ulfbastel/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA

A resistance-free material

A superconductor is any material that conducts electricity without offering any resistance to the flow of the electric current.

This resistance-free attribute of superconductors contrasts dramatically with standard conductors of electricity – like copper or aluminum – which heat up when current passes through them. This is similar to quickly sliding your hand across a smooth, slick surface compared to sliding your hand over a rough rug. The rug generates more friction and, therefore, more heat, too. Electric toasters and older-style incandescent lightbulbs use resistance to produce heat and light, but resistance can pose problems for electronics. Semiconductors have resistance below that of conductors, but still higher than that of superconductors.

Superconductive materials repel magnetic fields, making it possible to levitate a magnet above a superconductor.

Another characteristic of superconductors is that they repel magnetic fields. You may have seen videos of the fascinating result of this effect: It is possible to levitate magnets above a superconductor.

How do superconductors work?

All superconductors are made of materials that are electrically neutral – that is, their atoms contain negatively charged electrons that surround a nucleus with an equal number of positively charged protons.

If you attach one end of a wire to something that is positively charged, and the other end to something that is negatively charged, the system will want to reach equilibrium by moving electrons around. This causes the electrons in the wire to try to move through the material.

At normal temperatures, electrons move in somewhat erratic paths. They can generally succeed in moving through a wire freely, but every once in a while they collide with the nuclei of the material. These collisions are what obstruct the flow of electrons, cause resistance and heat up the material.

The nuclei of all atoms are constantly vibrating. In a superconducting material, instead of flitting around randomly, the moving electrons get passed along from atom to atom in such a way that they keep in sync with the vibrating nuclei. This coordinated movement produces no collisions and, therefore, no resistance and no heat.

The colder a material gets, the more organized the movement of electrons and nuclei becomes. This is why existing superconductors only work at extremely low temperatures.

A close-up view of a computer chip.
Superconducting materials would allow engineers to fit many more circuits onto a single computer chip. David Carron/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA

Benefits to electronics

If scientists can develop a room-temperature superconducting material, wires and circuitry in electronics would be much more efficient and produce far less heat. The benefits of this would be widespread.

If the wires used to transmit electricity were replaced with superconducting materials, these new lines would be able to carry up to five times as much electricity more efficiently than current cables.

The speed of computers is mostly limited by how many wires can be packed into a single electric circuit on a chip. The density of wires is often limited by waste heat. If engineers could use superconducting wires, they could fit many more wires in a circuit, leading to faster and cheaper electronics.

Finally, with room-temperature superconductors, magnetic levitation could be used for all sorts of applications, from trains to energy-storage devices.

With recent advances providing exciting news, both researchers looking at the fundamental physics of high-temperature superconductivity as well as technologists waiting for new applications are paying attention.The Conversation

Mishkat Bhattacharya, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Rochester Institute of Technology

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.