12 Of The Most Important Cities In History – And Why They Fell From The Top

In ancient times, the most powerful and influential cities in the world were located primarily in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Places like Alexandria, Jericho, and Carthage once were thought to be as influential or powerful as cities like London, Tokyo, or Washington, DC, are today. By the 21st century, the majority of cities that were military, economic, and religious powers hundreds or thousands of years ago no longer have that kind of influence. Although some of the powerful ancient cities like Alexandria and Baghdad do still exist, many more of them have been forgotten or left in ruins.

[Weird History]

The Versatility of the Human Spear [Short Sci-Fi Story]

It was often debated what the most useful and enduring weapon amongst the member species was. Arguments would go on and on for endless hours with no resolution ever in sight.

“I believe it is clearly the fangs,” a wolf-like Inuxis declared as he thumped his fist against the table.

To the Inuxis, their fangs were their first and foremost weapons. Their entire culture developed around getting into close range and attacking with them. Even when they developed modern technology, ranged weapons were seen as dishonourable for many generations.

“No, no, no, these are clearly the better weapons,” the Tuk’Nik clacked its pair of mantis-like claws.

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