[Source: @almost100ghosts]
The Tarot Card Riddle: Can you Outsmart Fate and Break Her Ancient Curse? [Video]
Hundreds of years ago, your ancestor stole a magical tarot deck from Fate herself— and it came with a terrible cost. Once every 23 years, one member of your family must face Fate in a duel with rules only known to your opponent. And every time, generation after generation, the outcome is the same: Fate claims their soul. Today, it’s your turn. Can you defeat Fate? Dan Finkel shows how.
[Ted Ed]
Building a Practical Scale Model of Time [Video]
The Good Knight [Comic]
Storied: Why Do Cyborgs Inspire Special Fear in Humans?
Advances in technology are always met with some degree of technophobia—and villainization. And cyborgs represent a special kind of fear inherent in losing ourselves in the technologies we create. Listen as Dr. Emily Zarka explores the world of cyborgs and why they inspire fear in the hearts of humans.
Little Mermaid [Comic]
[Source: @Danbydraws]
Mark Hamill Answers the Web’s Most Searched Questions About Himself [Video]
Join Mark Hamill as he graces the stage for his WIRED Autocomplete interview. Uncover the enigmatic tale of how he secured the role of Luke Skywalker. Discover the secrets behind his creation of The Joker’s unmistakable laughter. Unveil the truth about his involvement in “The Little Mermaid” and so much more!
A Speed Comparison of the Fastest Man-Made Vehicles and Objects [Video]
From Red Side:
This video took me a lot of time, the calculation of speed and distance traveled was easy, but building the Scene was a bit hard.
In this video we compare the fastest objects made by Man over the years. We put some other Things just for reference to understand the Real Speed of Those objects. Enjoy :)
Ebola: The epidemics that almost happened [Science Video]
In 2013, an Ebola outbreak began in Guinea. The country had no formal response system and the outbreak became the largest Ebola epidemic in recorded history. Guinea then completely overhauled their response system, and were able to successfully combat another outbreak in 2021. So what does an effective epidemic response look like? George Zaidan explores how different communities have taken action.
[TED Ed]
Wayne Care [Comic]
[Source: @afterdeathcomics]