An undead city under siege, soldiers and police ruthlessly shooting down waves of zombies that flood from infected streets, trying to escape and infect more cities. This is what happens when your body fights cancer, more exciting than any movie.
8 Spiders a Year [Comic]
[Source: @mygumsarebleeding]
Merchant of Death Award [Comic]
[Source: @mediocreheroes]
Battle of the Decibels: The World’s Quietest Room Vs. The World’s Loudest Room [Video]
Watch as James Orgill from The Action Lab explores the extremes of auditory experience, delving into both the world’s quietest room and the world’s loudest room! These extraordinary chambers, utilized by 3M for sound analysis, allow for a comprehensive study of sound propagation, aiding in the refinement of their cutting-edge sound-damping solutions.
Making Sound Effect When You Eat [Comic]
[Source: @eastcoastitnotes]
Hi! [Comic]
Unblocksing [Comic]
[Source: @rdstonowhere]
The Lord of the Rings: Random Facts That Every Fan Should Know – Part IV
A new infographic from the “The Lord of the Rings: Ramdom Facts That Every Fan Should Know” series.
If you missed the parts we’ve published so far, they’re available here.
[Via 9gag]
Any other available job openings? [Comic]
[Source: @martin_rosner]
Difficult Times [Comic]
[Source: @pizzacakecomic]