What Ever Happened to Surge? The ’90s Most Extreme Soda [Video]

Weird History is taking you back to the ’90s for a big ol’ can of Surge. Have you ever been browsing the insufficiently extreme soda aisle at your local grocery store and found yourself wondering, “What ever happened to Surge, one of the most extreme caffeinated soft drinks of the 1990s?” Well, you’re not alone. Surge was a popular but extremely short-lived carbonated phenomenon that embodied ’90s-ness.

[Weird History Food]

Stop sending Heroes, otherwise I will send one of my own. [Short Fantasy Story]

The High Bishop massaged his temples, hoping to the Gods above to relieve him of the headache he was enduring of late. He was dealing with the aftermath of an uproar within the Church and the Theocracy’s leadership as a whole.

They had sent no less than a dozen separate groups of Heroes to slay the ruler of the Dark Continent, the Dark Lord Haradrim. They had already gone through the entire class of promising Hero candidates from the theocracy’s orphanage. The High Bishop was genuinely stuck with what to do.

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Your Body Killed Cancer 5 Minutes Ago [Science Video]

Somewhere in your body, your immune system just quietly killed one of your own cells, stopping it from becoming cancer, and saving your life. It does that all the time. The vast majority of cancer cells you develop will be killed without you ever noticing. Which is an incredibly hard job because of what cancer cells are: parts of yourself that start to behave as individuals even if it hurts you.

What is cancer and how does your body kill it all the time? Let’s find out in this video from Kurzgesagt!

[Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell]

Original Pokémon Fan Brings Complete 1999 Pokémon Collection to Antiques Roadshow

Here’s a segment from Antiques Roadshow featuring a lady whose mother bought her a full base set of Pokémon trading cards back in 1999 for $35. Now, according to the appraiser in the video, the set is worth between $5,000 and $10,000. Unfortunately, the value of these cards is very volatile, so if the woman would have sold her set back in 2020, her Charizard card alone could have gone for up to $15,000.

[Antiques Roadshow PBS | Via BIS]