[Source: @seer.bent]
Astronaut on The Moon Dropping a Feather and Hammer at The Same Time [Video]
In 1971 during the Apollo 15 mission, astronaut David Scott re-created Galileo’s famous experiment on the moon by dropping a hammer and a feather simultaneously. As you’ll see, both fell at the same rate due to the lack of air resistance! Watch above!
The 3 Stages of a Cat Yawn [Comic]
[Source: @scapegoated on Instagram]
Ehl-El [Comic]
[Source: @Afterdeathcomics]
Red Sonja Gets Two New Fierce Action Figures
Ahhhh Red Sonja, since your creation in 1973 by Marvel Comics, you’ve been almost universally adored by geekdom. Now, thanks to Executive Replicas, you jump back into our lives with two new gorgeous action figures by the talented artists over at Executive Replicas. Behold:
–Red Sonja 1:12 Scale Action Figure
Red Sonja – outlaw, mercenary, warrior and queen. After escaping her bloody origin, she hunted the wilderlands of Hyrkania, theived the streets and palaces of Pah-Disha, sold her sword on battlefields from Koth to Aquilonia, and liberated countless mugs of ale from barrels throughout the Hyborean world. Red Sonja slew the king who tried to posses her and freed the world from the dark sourcery of Kulan Gathe. Forced to flee her homeland, she rode west across the Turanian Steppes and into the shadowed mists of legendry.
–Steampunk Red Sonja 1:6 Scale Action Figure
Red Sonja slew the king who tried to possess her and freed the world from the dark sorcery of Kulan Gathe. Now, she’s back as this sensational Steampunk Red Sonja 1:6 Scale Action Figure! Featuring a beautiful head sculpt, a TB League 1:6 female seamless body with metal skeleton, and 3 pairs interchangeable gloved hands, she wears a bikini style battle top, a top with puff sleeves, armor for her upper body, a pair of arm bands, a belt, a pair of high boots, an axe, a sword with sheath, a pistol, a holster, goggles, and pants. Amazing! Ages 13 and up.
–Red Sonja 1:12 Scale Action Figure
–Steampunk Red Sonja 1:6 Scale Action Figure
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Princess and the Frog [Comic]
[Source: Nothing Suspicious]
Human Evolution Explained by MinuteEarth
In this collection of classic MinuteEarth videos, we answer the question “why are you the way that you are?”
0:10 – Which Fish Did We Evolve From?
1:31 – Are We Really 99% Chimp?.
4:26 – Why Are Snakes So Creepy?
6:12 – How Long Can We Live?
50,000 Matches Chain Reaction Domino Effect Video
From The S:
There are more than 50.000 matchsticks were used during this video. I hope you enjoy … Thanks
Caution! Do not try it in the house.
[The S]
It’s Aliens! [Comic]
The Power of Compliments [Comic]
[Drawn by Slaughterkeys | Written by Hot Paper Comics]