BIG T-SHIRT and MASK SALE: All Our Geeky Tees Are Just $13 and Face Masks are $8!

Update: Sale is over, but the geeky face masks are still just $10!

Did you know that we’re currently holding a big t-shirt and mask sale? For the next few hours, all our tees are priced at just $13 and Teepublic’s geeky face mask are $8! Getting a t-shirt (or a few) from our store is a great way to support us! We’ve added plenty of new designs in the past few days, so be sure to check ’em all out!

Update: All Teepublic tees are also priced at $13 as well!

Update 2: There are some really cool face masks too!

[T-Shirt Sale: All Our GEEKTASTIC Tees are Just $13!]

Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts.

The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Learning Unreal Engine for Game Design & Animation

From character animation to whole game design, The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Learning Unreal Engine for Game Design & Animation 55-hour course bundle will teach you how to create immersive 3D content using unreal engine 4! Just $39.99 instead of the MSRP of $1280 (96% off!)

What’s included in the course bundle:

-The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Learning Unreal Engine 4
-Introduction to 3D Character Animation In Unreal Engine 4
-Facial Animation & More in Unreal Engine 4 | 3D Animation
-Rigging Your Character for 3D Animation In Unreal Engine 4
-Learn How to Do Amazing Cloth Animation in Unreal Engine 4
-Unreal Engine 4: Intro to Game Design
-Unreal Engine 4: Level Design with Landscapes
-Unreal Engine 4: Character Skill System

The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Learning Unreal Engine for Game Design & Animation$1280 $39.99 (96% off)

Launching a Car Into Space with 150 Pounds of Dynamite [Video]

Can you launch a specially modified space car into space by using 70 kilos / 155 pounds of dynamite? We are going to find out in this episode of Finnish space program.

Don’t try this at home or in your own country! explosives are dangerous and they can throw heavy objects a really long distances! Everything in the video is done by trained professionals in a safe location with a HUGE safety area!

[Beyond the press]

Narsehole Bidet Hilariously Mixes Viking Lore With Butt Shower Technology

This is not something I would typically promote, but we here at the Geeks are Sexy office laughed so much while watching the promo for the Narsehole Bidet Kickstarter, we just had to share it with you guys. The funny part starts at 0:42. Watch and laugh:

With the toilet paper shortage from March, we purchased a bidet attachment for our toilets (not as fancy as the Narsehole Bidet!), and the video is right, we’ll never go back to using toilet paper ever again.

[Narsehole Bidet Butt Shower]

Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts.