[Source: Mr. Lovenstein Comics | Hot Paper Comics | Like Mr. Lovenstein on Facebook | Follow “Mr. Lovenstein” on Twitter]
The Nice Jedi: When Attack of the Clones Meets The Nice Guys
The Nice Jedi? I want to watch this! It’s attack of the clones, but presented in the style of the 2016 comedy, The Nice Guys.
Never Trust a Side Quest [Comedy Sketch]
You never know when the main quest will strike…
Three Wishes [Comic]
[Source: @eattherich_comic]
NirvanA.I.: Bot Writes a Nirvana Song [Video]
From Funk Turkey:
Using lyrics.rip to scrape the Genius Lyrics Database, I made a Markov Chain write Nirvana lyrics. This is the end result- “Smother”.
All music/vocals performed, mixed, and mastered by me, in my kitchen, on a sparkly red cheap Stratocaster, a crappy mic, and an old copy of ProTools. All lyrics provided by Hal 9000 (AKA lyrics.rip). Guitars are the aforementioned Stratocaster bounced hard left and right. Flanged Stratocaster through a Fender twin is dead center in the mix. Bass is a no-name bass run through amp emulation. Percussion is Superior Drummer 2. I know Dave Grohl hates computer drums but it’s the best thing I got, soooo…. Sorry Dave. I still love you.
Vocals are doubled, slightly compressed, and run though an emulated reel-to-reel and tube saturation for a bit of extra warmth and grit. Also the first use of my new pop filter that my wife bought me for early father’s day. She’s the best.
Quarantine-Age Mutant Ninja Turtles [Comic]
[Source: @roboticsteve on Instagram]
Father and Son [Comic]
[Source: @Dr_Pepper_Spray on Instagram]
How to Fight COVID-19… with a Virus
When it comes to fighting COVID-19, scientists are throwing every bit of science we’ve got at it. A creative technique some researchers are looking into involves using gene therapy to fight this virus with… another virus! Watch this epiode of SciShow to learn more about this technique!
Super Cream [Comic]
[Source: @nasser_junior]
Sink Down: A Last of Us 2 Tribute Song by Bonecage & Sharm
From Bonecage:
Last of Us 2 is out, and by all accounts, it is a masterpiece. I loved the first one so much, and I wanted to do an emotional tribute for the new one. Sharm’s voice is so perfect, and I think you’ll agree this is pretty emotional.