[Source: @afterdeathcomics]
Lego Millennium Falcon Builds Itself Using The Force! [Stop-Motion Video]
Watch as the largest Lego set ever made, the Lego Star Wars Ultimate Collectors Series Millennium Falcon (#75192) assembles itself with the force in this stop-motion video by Lego My Legos
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Be Better: A Wonder Woman Story
The Harley Quinn Animated Series tackling one of the relevant issues of today. From Harley Quinn, season 2 episode 12:
Source: The Hungry Collector
Super Intense Trailer for THE BOYS Season 2 Released [Video]
In a more intense, more desperate Season 2 of THE BOYS, Butcher, Hughie and the team reel from their losses in Season 1. On the run from the law, they struggle to fight back against the Superheroes. As Vought, the company that manages the heroes, cashes in on the panic over the threat of Supervillains, and a new hero, Stormfront, shakes up the company and challenges an already unstable Homelander.
Season 2 Premieres September 4, 2020
30 Facts About Farts [Video]
From Mental Floss:
Fart facts are like farts themselves: incredibly varied, potentially inconvenient, and not something you want to make a mistake with. Erin (@erincmccarthy) discusses the history of farts, from tasty Tudor-era cuisine to scientific research into the volume of a fart (you’ll have to watch the video to find out whether or not you could fit an average fart into a travel-sized toiletry bottle).
Farts are also discussed as a medium for artistic expression and a topic of political debate. You’ll learn about “The Crazy Toot Trial” and discover that James Joyce really didn’t mind a bit of flatulence.
The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions [Comic]
[Source: NHOJ Comics | Like NHOJ on Facebook | Follow NHOJ on Twitter]
The Umbrella Academy Season 2 [Official Trailer]
Same weird family. New weird problems. The Umbrella Academy returns on July 31.
The Wonderful Superhero Stained Glass Windows of Jesse Olwen
Montreal, Quebec-based artist Jesse Olwen makes gorgeous stained glass windows using the the Tiffany style copper foil technique. He has tons of them on display via his Instagram account, but my favorites are his superhero pieces, which you can admire below.
[Source: Jesse Olwen on Instagram]
I Miss Being a Kid [Comic]
[Source: @whatsupbeanie]
Deadpool and Friends Cover Eminem’s Love the Way You Lie [Video]
A kick ass cover of Eminem’s Love the Way You Lie by the always amazing Heavy Metal Heroes. This one might actually be better than the original!