My hair is getting too long so I decided to build a robot to cut it for me.
The possibilities for this kind machine are endless with the most interesting things being haircuts that are too hard for human hair cutters to achieve. Imagine a mathematically perfect fade from one side of your head to another. Or imagine if I added a trimmer to this and cutting perfect lithopane pattern into your hair. I consider this the first generation machine and hope to build another to explore some of the crazier haircut concepts. A colleague suggested adding a precision hair dying attachment and doing some crazy multi-color hair styles. I wouldn’t say that’s really “my jam” but I might try it in the name of science & engineering.
Sam’s Club is a membership warehouse club, a limited-item business model that offers members quality products at an exceptional value unmatched by traditional retail. From groceries and kitchen supplies to electronics and furniture, Sam’s Club has great deals on the items you want!
By signing up as a member, you’ll be paying $45. You will then receive a $25 eGiftcard through the email address you used for your membership 10 days after signing up. Your second $20 eGiftCard will be delivered approximately 3 weeks after your first purchase of $20 or more at That’s right — you’re basically signing up for FREE!
On Tuesday, I got an big operation that changed my life. Few people knew that I was living with a rare disease called Esophageal Achalasia. The disease not only prevented me to eat properly, with food staying stuck in my now mostly inert oesophagus, but I regularly waked up at night with the feeling of drowning due to “bodily fluids” accumulating, preventing me from breathing properly. There was also the danger of getting aspiration pneumonia, which did not make things pleasant at all. The disease was stable for many years, but in 2018-2019, due to a few highly traumatic situations in both my personal and professional life, including having to fire all my writers, it got worse, making life a living nightmare on many days. I know many of you find the ads a problem on the site, and there’s nothing I would like more than removing part of them, but as a single parent with 3 kids, I just can’t, and this is part of the problem. This site is a huge part of my life. I’ve been doing this for 15 years, including 9 full time, so its successes and failures affect me directly. But enough said about that.
The operation was fairly simple: They poked a hole inside my oesophagus (by going down my throat,) made a tunnel between the oesophagus and the muscle layer that surrouds it, and cut some of the muscle fibers that control the upper sphincter of my stomach, allowing it to relax and letting food go through. The operation lasted around 3 hours, and yesterday, after being as high as a kite for about 24 hours, I woke up, had a meal, and felt the food going down my stomach for the first time in many years. Before the operation, I had to swallow air to push the food down, forcing the stomach’s sphincter to open. Not only was it gross, it was also painful.
So yeah, I’m back now. Geeks are Sexy is my life project and it’s a one-man thing. My full-time teacher girlfriend volunteers and writes in exchange of a nice romantic dinner and a bottle of wine once in a while, but it’s me 99 percent of the time. Having you guys around means the world to me, so thank you.
If you want to support what I do, and it’s entirely up to you guys, you can help by donating via the links below. It might not be much, but if enough do it, I might eventually be able to hire more people to help with the site. I need a break badly! :)
Some people who get sick with COVID-19 don’t feel any symptoms of the disease, but what does an asymptomatic COVID-19 infection look like? Find out in this episode of SciShow!
Two sisters take the same DNA test. The results show that one sister is 10% French, the other 0%. Both sisters share the same two parents, and therefore the same set of ancestors. So how can one be 10% more French than the other? Tests like these rely on our DNA to answer questions about our ancestry, but DNA actually can’t tell us everything. Prosanta Chakrabarty explores the accuracy of DNA tests.
Check out these amazing leather dog armors! The very talented artist Jacob Morton, owner of The Kings Shilling, customizes wonderful leather armor for the pupper or doggo in your life. Check out his work by clicking the link below.
He has also dabbed in cat, rabbit and human armor. Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts.