Save Big on The Ultimate Scrum Foundation Certification 5-Course Prep Bundle (96% Off!)

Manage and complete even the most complex project for your team with 7 hours of content on Scrum, Agile, Kanban, and their applications. Just $29.99 instead of $995 (96% off!)

What’s included:

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The Ultimate Scrum Foundation Certification Prep 5-Course Bundle$995 $29.99 (96% Off)

What Would Skeletor Do? – Diabolical Ways to Master the Universe

When I saw this earlier today, I first thought it was a joke, but it’s actually a real book!

Thanks to its multitude of dynamic characters and rich fantasy and science-fiction storytelling, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe has resonated with fans for more than thirty years. Skeletor, He-Man’s evil nemesis in the show, remains an icon of villainy for generations who grew up hearing his cackle.

Now, for the first time, all of the diabolical wit and wisdom gleaned from Skeletor’s unrelenting campaign to wreak havoc on the planet Eternia are collected into one practical, and practically hilarious, volume. This fully authorized, comical, and empowering guide places the evil Skeletor in a variety of troubling scenarios that will be familiar to any reader–from ‘Family and Frenemies’ to ‘Career’ and ‘Downtime’–and asks the all-important question: What Would Skeletor Do? Combining words of devilish wisdom with appropriate (or inappropriate!) pictures from the original cartoons, this book lets Skeletor tell you how to handle any awkward situation with aplomb. With tongue planted very firmly in cheek, What Would Skeletor Do? is the perfect inspirational resource for pop-culture aficionados of all ages.

[What Would Skeletor Do? – Diabolical Ways to Master the Universe]

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Support Cancer Research With These Breast Cancer Awareness DC Funko Figures

To support breast cancer research, Funko has recently partnered with the Breast Cancer Research Foundation to launch a new line of pink DC Comics Funko Pop! figures. In addition to the new line of figures, the company has made a donation of $25,000 to the foundation to help them with their fight against breast cancer.

BCRF is proud to welcome Funko to the BCRF Partner Family this year! Funko has created an exclusive line of pink Funko Pops! that will bring out the inner hero in you. This exciting collection will be available beginning September 2020. In support of BCRF, Funko has donated $25,000 to fund 500 hours of breast cancer research.

You can check them all out over at Entertainment Earth where they are currently available for pre-order for $10.99.

Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts.