HOW TO: Make Your Very Own Real Life Invisibility Shield [Video]

From Randomonium:

There was a video that went viral a few months ago of something seemingly impossible. A real invisibility shield! So, naturally I was just as intrigued as everyone else that saw it, but I decided then and there that I would build one.

How hard could it be, right? As it turns out, not hard at all. This is the result of some weeks of researching here and there and gathering the necessary materials. This is the real deal. I know it’s hard to grasp that it is, but I can assure you that it, in fact, is. XD

[Randomonium | Via Born in Space]

Most Played Arcade Games 1978 – 2020 (by Earnings) [Animated Visualization]

Do you remember the first arcade game you played?

In this video we can see the visualization of the highest earning arcade games of all time since 1978. In other words, these are the most played arcade games from the beginning of arcade gaming until the beginning of 2020. The earnings have been adjusted for inflation in order to fairly compare the games. Very few of the newer arcade games made it to the list because most gamers now have home consoles, gaming computers and games on their phones. Arcade gaming is now more of a casual activity than a hobby.

[Captain Gizmo]

Il a peut-être peur de croiser quelqu’un du collège! Les kids là-bas ne travaillent pas (pas besoin à cause du $$$ des parents)
Son image! Le regard des autres

Il a beau être mal à l’aise, les autres l’invite et essaient de l’impliquer… ils se tannent à toujours être obliger de le prier je pense. (piscine par exemple où les gars, Danaé, Jacob et Mathilde l’ont inviter chacun leur tour…)

A Warhammer Ultramarines Cosplay That Uses Space Suit Technology [Video]

From Nadio:

Say hello to Jeremy and behold his insane Ultramarine cosplay at Otakon!

This man was epic! He and his Warhammer cosplay buddies were the stars of the con on Saturday during Otakon 2019. Jeremy’s attention to detail was bonkers. The more I shot his cosplay, the more impressed I was with the many, many, many details. Sorry for the short interview but it was hard keeping the fans of this cosplay at bay.
