In a fan-favorite episode, Dexter Morgan takes a break from his close-up, slow-motion morning routine to kill a friend in need. But he can’t saran-wrap her to a table and scalpel her cheek like any other Monday, he’s gotta be nice about it, so he finds the best key lime pie in Miami and pumps it full of night-night juice. I’ve heard of humble pie but this is ridiculous! Sorry.
The handmade Doc Brown decorative planter comes to life in days, with full growth in 1-2 weeks using the simple included instructions. They can be reused indefinitely, too! Back to the Future Doc Brown Chia Pet comes with a packet of Chia seeds good for 3 plantings, and can also be replanted with similar seeds like basil or alfalfa.
Basil? I love the idea that you can grow herbs on Chia pets!
Instagram user @sugardevotion makes some of the cutest and geekiest macarons we’ve ever seen! We especially like her Star Wars theme creations, but she has a lot more to feast your eyes on! Check out some of our favorite below!
I was planning to do these two separately but I realized it would be better to do them together. To be honest, I have mixed feelings about Sequel trilogy. But I think the dynamic between Rey and Kylo/Ben was the best thing that came from the trilogy. I really enjoyed their story. Huge props to Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver for delivering great performance.
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If you are a fan of Marvel or Star Wars Funko Pop figures, Amazon currently has some standalone subscription boxes for just $9.99, and there are a lot of them!
It’s Demolition Man, but instead of having Sylvester Stallone as the main character, Youtube Jarkan replaced him with Arnold Schwarzenegger thanks to the power of Deepfake technology!
Step inside the pitch meeting that led to The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring!
Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings trilogy won a ton of Academy Awards and revolutionized the fantasy genre on the big screen. With an amazing cast and incredible special effects, the Fellowship of the Ring really took the world by storm when it came out in 2001.
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring raises a few questions (aside from the question about how many times the word “the” appears in the title.) Like why did Sauron try to grab Isuldur instead of smashing him like everyone else? Why didn’t Elrond try a tiny bit harder to stop him? Why does Frodo keep getting stabbed? Why is everyone walking so much? Where did Gandalf go? How did they agree to shoot all three movie simultaneously? What about the eagles?
To answer all these questions and more, step inside the pitch meeting that led to The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring! It’ll be super easy, barely an inconvenience.