I HAVE THE POWER! He-Man and The Masters of the Universe Gets the RPG Treatment

Here is the latest game I will not be allowed to play…


He-Man: Masters of The Universe is getting an RPG treatment and I just can’t even! I HAVE THE POWER! MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE! And now my boyfriend doesn’t want me to play because he thinks I will be screaming like He-Man through the whole thing. I might, but who cares! (Editor’s note: She’s not being fair to me. Fact is, she would spend the first 30 minutes screaming “I HAVE THE POWER,” but she would still play anyways, and I would laugh my head off the whole time.) It’s Legends Of Grayskull! Is there any other way, aside from owning a tiger or wearing an animal printed loincloth? Yeah, I’m the girl that had the She-Ra lunchbox!

Seriously, this looks like an amazing game and I can’t wait to try it with my buddies! Mattel teamed up with Fandom Tabletop to create this amazing game where you can become a character from Eternia, customizing your stats to overcome many challenges. Using a simple tabletop role playing system, with dices and attributes and a digital companion toolset, you too can embark in a wonderful adventure in Legends of Grayskull. Fandom Tabletop being already in the TTRPG loop thanks to D&D Beyond, Mattel teamed up with the best to offer a great quality of play to all.

[Legends of Grayskull]

Funko Pop Finally Accepted the Challenge: How I Met Your Mother

Suit Up fellow geeks! How I Met Your Mother finally gets Funko Poped six years after its series finale. Both the Ted Mosby holding the now famous blue French horn, and the classic Barney Stinson model are available for pre-order via our friends at Entertainment Earth.

Even though Barney is famous for his suits, a Laser Tag version of him would have been quite amusing. No news as of today on if/when the rest of the cast will be available. And with all the different directions the show took during its’ nine season stint, we could be seeing quite an array of Funko Pops, from the Naughty Pumpkin to the Captain, with maybe a chance of a Robin Sparkles/Simon Tremblay couples edition for Valentines. One can only hope…

[How I Met Your Mother Funko POP! Figures]

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DEAL: Save BIG on 11 Awesome PS4 Games!

Looking for some amazing games for your PS4 at super low prices? Here are some great deals you might want to check out! Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts (as an Amazon associate or a member of other affiliate programs.)

Tekken 7 PS4 – PlayStation 4 – $11.85
SOULCALIBUR VI: Standard Edition – PlayStation 4 – $17.00
Final Fantasy VII: Remake – PlayStation 4 – $39.99
Dreams – PlayStation 4 – $19.99
Days Gone – Playstation 4 – $19.99
Concrete Genie – PlayStation 4 (VR Mode Included) – $19.27
Dragon Ball Fighterz – PlayStation 4 – $15.10
Mortal KOMBAT 11: Aftermath Kollection – PlayStation 4 – $39.99
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint – PlayStation 4 – $9.99
DOOM Eternal with Steel Poster – PS4 – $31.72
Lego Marvel Collection – PlayStation 4 – $19.93

1-Year PlayStation Plus Membership (USA ONLY)$59.99 $31.89

Hey COMIC BOOK FANS! Save BIG on The Comic Garage Super Box – An Expertly Curated Comic Book Box

Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts (as an Amazon associate or a member of other affiliate programs.)

For all you comic book fans out there, here is an AMAZING deal you’ll want to take advantage of! Today only, Amazon is offering The Comic Garage Super Box at 40% OFF! What is the Comic Garage box? Read below!

The Comic Garage is THE premier monthly subscription box of comic books for both collectors and readers. Whether you are new to comics or already have an established collection The Comic Garage is for you. Our in-house team of comic book fans customize every box for each individual member. Your unique box is created around your favorite characters and comic preferences. The Comic Garage is perfect to adults and kids alike, anyone who loves receiving amazing comics to their door each month.

[40% OFF – The Comic Garage Super Box or Ultimate Box]

The Mandalorian “Baby Yoda” in Pod Mood Light

The Light Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be… comforting. “Baby Yoda” is here to bring some much needed light to your room! Inspired by The Child from the Star Wars series, The Mandalorian, this mood light is modeled after the adorable force user in his floating pram.

[The Child in Pram Mood Light]

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