Get Over 400 Hours of Training in IT and Cybersecurity With The Complete Information Security & Business Continuity Bundle (98% OFF!)

The Complete Information Security & Business Continuity Bundle is the ULTIMATE elearning package with 22 courses on IT industry-standard certifications – CompTIA, SSCP, CFR, CISM, and MORE! Just $69 instead of the bundle’s MSRP of $6490 (98% off!)

Internet security has never been as important as it is today with more information than ever being handled digitally around the globe. From a personal to business level, having enough knowledge of cybersecurity will keep your data, systems, and networks from the constantly evolving digital threats. The Complete 2020 CyberSecurity & Ethical Hacking Bundle offers 22 courses on the most essential skills and certifications in the IT industry.

The Complete Information Security & Business Continuity Bundle$6490 $69 (98% OFF!)

Become Baby Yoda’s Protector With This Cute “The Child” Shoulder Sitter

Baby Yoda Shoulder Sitter

Want to become Baby Yoda’s protector? Now, thanks to this new officially licensed “The Child” shoulder sitter, you can! Baby Yoda needs you to protect him against ex-members of the defunct galactic empire and greedy mercenaries! What are you waiting for?

He may look like “Baby Yoda,” but this lovable creature is called The Child — and now you can become his protector with this The Child shoulder sitter. He comfortably sits on your shoulder with chest straps to secure to your body for any adventure!

[Star Wars: The Mandalorian The Child Shoulder Sitter]

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DEAD ZONES: Can the Ocean Run Out of Oxygen? [Science Video]

For most of the year, the Gulf of Mexico is teeming with marine life, from tiny crustaceans to massive whales. But every summer, disaster strikes. Around May, animals begin to flee the area. And soon, creatures that can’t swim or can’t swim fast enough begin to suffocate and die off in massive numbers. What’s going on? Kate Slabosky dives into the lethal conditions that create dead zones.

[TED Ed]

Program and Build Your Own Games With The Comprehensive Game Development 10-Course Bundle (97% Off)

With the comprehensive game development bundle, learn how to program and build your own games with 19 hours of quick, practical instruction on using Unity, Unreal, HTML5, Python, and more! Just $39.99 instead of the MSRP of $1990 (97% off.)

What’s included:

-HTML5 Game Development for Beginners with Phaser
-Intro to Multiplayer Game Development
-Discover SFML for C++ Game Development
-Intro to Augmented Reality
-Build an Action RPG in Unreal Engine
-Unreal Engine Game Development for Beginners
-Construct a First Person Shooter
-VR Pointers: Space Station App
-Learn Python 3 by Making a Game
-Develop a Puzzle Platformer Game

The Comprehensive Game Development 10-Course Bundle $1990 $39.99 (97% Off)