Criminally Smooth Dancing Gundam [Stop Motion Animation]

Watch a Gundam bust a move to a medley of Michael Jackson songs in this super smooth stop-motion video. What dance is he doing? The Robot, of course! Or, more straightforwardly, here’s a robot imitating a dancer who used to dance like a robot, created by animator Moouyo.

[via reddit]

Marvel Releases Beautiful Tribute to Black Panther Actor Chadwick Boseman

From Marvel Comics:

Chadwick’s passing is absolutely devastating. He was our T’Challa, our Black Panther, and our dear friend. Each time he stepped on set, he radiated charisma and joy, and each time he appeared on screen, he created something truly indelible. He embodied a lot of amazing people in his work, and nobody was better at bringing great men to life. He was as smart and kind and powerful and strong as any person he portrayed. Now he takes his place alongside them as an icon for the ages. The Marvel Studios family deeply mourns his loss, and we are grieving tonight with his family.


My Little Pony is Getting a Power Rangers Crossover Action Figure

There’s been a lot of My Little Pony mashup figures on the web lately, and the latest version from Hasbro mixes a pink pony from Equestria with some Power Rangers eleganza!

Think pink! Crossover Collection Morphin Pink Pony is an exciting character mashup! Span Equestria and Angel Grove with this 4 1/1-inch figure and its retro My Little Pony form factor with Power Rangers-inspired design. Ages 4 and up.

[My Little Pony x Power Rangers Crossover Collection Morphin Pink Pony Figure]

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Pikachu Meets Pikotaro in Completely INSANE Pokémon Music Video

Remember Pikotaro, the singer behind the completely insane (in a good way) PPAP (Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen) song from a few years ago? Well, the man is back, and this time, he has a new video featuring Pikachu, and it’s just as crazy as you’d expect. The song is a collaboration between Pokémon and Pikotaro and was unveiled during “Summer Stage,” a Pokémon themed virtual event. Check it out below!
