These are The Star Wars Rugs You Are Looking For!

Welcome to the stylish home decorating of Star Wars! It used to be that Star Wars rugs were only for kids bedrooms or mancaves. The guys over at Ruggable designed the most adult Star Wars rugs EVER! More comfortable than the insides of a TaunTaun, we know you will love them. Plus, if you have as many padawans as us, the fact that they are washable is a huge bonus. And the prices are just amazing! From 109$, you can discretly flaunt your love of a galaxy far far away.

[Star Wars Rug Collection by Ruggable]

I Have a Soft Spot for YOU: Geektastic Pop Culture Greeting Cards

Sure, you can find greeting cards everywhere these days, but if your looking for something a little geeky that looks amazing, they’re harder to find. Now, thanks to illustrator Heather Buchanan, you can get a card that looks both gorgeous AND geeky! Please note that all the cards featured below (and more!) are available for purchase via the artist’s Etsy shop. Here are a few of our favorites!

[Heather Buchanan on Etsy]

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Would You Spare or Sacrifice? How to Outsmart the Prisoner’s Dilemma

Puzzle through the classic game theory challenge, The Prisoner’s Dilemma, and decide: would you choose to spare or sacrifice?

Two perfectly rational gingerbread men, Crispy and Chewy, are out strolling when they’re caught by a fox. Instead of simply eating them, he decides to put their friendship to the test with a cruel dilemma. He’ll ask each gingerbread man whether he’d opt to Spare or Sacrifice the other. What should they choose? Lucas Husted dives into the classic game theory scenario: the Prisoner’s Dilemma.